diff --git a/source/part-1-workspace/maintainable-applications/clean_architecture.adoc b/source/part-1-workspace/maintainable-applications/clean_architecture.adoc index 8be2e42..f8e95ab 100644 --- a/source/part-1-workspace/maintainable-applications/clean_architecture.adoc +++ b/source/part-1-workspace/maintainable-applications/clean_architecture.adoc @@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ les règles métiers, les données critiques et entités, et que vous aurez fait votre nouvelle création en utilisant Django, vous serez bon gré mal gré, contraint de continuer avec. Cette décision ne sera pas irrévocable, mais difficile à contourner. +> At some point in their history most DevOps organizations were hobbled by tightly-coupled, monolithic architectures that while extremely successfull at helping them achieve product/market fit - put them at risk of organizational failure once they had to operate at scale (e.g. eBay's monolithic C++ application in 2001, Amazon's monolithic OBIDOS application in 2001, Twitter's monolithic Rails front-end in 2009, and LinkedIn's monolithic Leo application in 2011). +> In each of these cases, they were able to re-architect their systems and set the stage not only to survice, but also to thrise and win in the marketplace +> The DevOps Handbook, Part III - The Principles of Flow - Architect for low-risk release (page 182) + Ceci dit, Django compense ses contraintes en proposant énormément de flexibilité et de fonctionnalités *out-of-the-box*, c'est-à-dire que vous pourrez sans doute avancer vite et bien jusqu'à un point de rupture, puis revoir la conception et réinvestir à ce moment-là, mais en toute connaissance de cause.