/*! Parser: ignoreArticles - updated 9/15/2014 (v2.17.8) *//* * This parser will remove 'The', 'A' and 'An' from the beginning of a book * or movie title, so it sorts by the second word or number * Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/abkNM/5/ */ /*jshint browser: true, jquery:true, unused:false */ ;(function($){ 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter; // basic list from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_%28grammar%29 ts.ignoreArticles = { 'en' : 'the, a, an', 'de' : 'der, die, das, des, dem, den, ein, eine, einer, eines, einem, einen', 'nl' : 'de, het, de, een', 'es' : 'el, la, lo, los, las, un, una, unos, unas', 'pt' : 'o, a, os, as, um, uma, uns, umas', 'fr' : 'le, la, l\'_, les, un, une, des', 'it' : 'il, lo, la, l\'_, i, gli, le, un\', uno, una, un', 'hu' : 'a, az, egy' }; // To add a custom parser, define: // $.tablesorter.ignoreArticles['xx'] = 'A, B, C'; // and then set the language id 'xx' in the headers option // ignoreArticles : 'xx' ts.addParser({ id: 'ignoreArticles', is: function() { return false; }, format: function(s, table, cell, cellIndex) { var art, ignore, lang, c = table.config, str = s || ''; if ( !(c.headers && c.headers[cellIndex] && c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex) ) { // initialize - save regex in c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex if (!c.headers) { c.headers = {}; } if (!c.headers[cellIndex]) { c.headers[cellIndex] = {}; } lang = ts.getData( c.$headers.eq(cellIndex), ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, cellIndex ), 'ignoreArticles' ); art = (ts.ignoreArticles[lang] || 'the, a, an' ) + ''; c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex = new RegExp('^(' + $.trim( art.split(/\s*\,\s*/).join('\\s|') + '\\s' ).replace('_\\s', '') + ')', 'i'); // exception regex stored in c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex2 ignore = ts.getData( c.$headers.eq(cellIndex), ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, cellIndex ), 'ignoreArticlesExcept' ); c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex2 = ignore !== '' ? new RegExp('^(' + ignore.replace(/\s/g, '\\s') + ')', 'i') : ''; } art = c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex; if (art.test(str)) { ignore = c.headers[cellIndex].ignoreArticlesRegex2; if ( !(ignore && ignore.test(str)) ) { return str.replace(art, ''); } } return str; }, type: 'text' }); })(jQuery);