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2016-11-05 15:33:59 +01:00
% Copyright 2010 Jasper Bosch <p.j.bosch@student.rug.nl> %
% Some parts of this theme are based on the 'diepentheme' %
% by Guido Diepen <diepen@cs.uu.nl> %
% link to the backgroundimage
% image should be in the same directory as the other files
% Ca je sais pas (encore) à quoi cela sert !!!
\pgfdeclareimage[interpolate=true, height=\the\paperheight, width=\the\paperwidth]{backgroundImage}{\blackboard@backgroundimagefile}
% stretch background image over the entire page
% \begin{tikzpicture}
% \useasboundingbox (0,0) rectangle (\the\paperwidth, \the\paperheight);
% \pgftext[at=\pgfpoint{0cm}{0cm}, left, base]{\pgfuseimage{backgroundImage}};
% \end{tikzpicture}
\ifnum\c@framenumber=1 %First slide
\else %Other slides
% use a small dash ('-') for a bulletpoint list
%\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{item}\small{•}}
%\setbeamertemplate{itemize itemize item}{\usebeamercolor[fg]{item}\small{*-}}
\defbeamertemplate*{frametitle}{ffg theme}[1][right]
\vskip5pt %17pt
\insertframetitle \\