{% extends "base.html" %} {% block content %}

{{ skill.short_label }}

{{ skill.notation }}

{% if skill.prerequisites.all or skill.educatives.all %}


    {% if skill.prerequisites.all %} {% for prerequisites in skill.prerequisites.all %}
  • {{ prerequisites.short_label }}
  • {% endfor %} {% else %}

    No prerequisites defined.

    {% endif %}


    {% if skill.educatives.all %} {% for educatives in skill.educatives.all %}
  • {{ educatives.short_label }}
  • {% endfor %} {% else %}

    No educative defined.

    {% endif %}
{% endif %}
Learning Line

From {{ skill.departure }}, {% if skill.rotation %} {{ skill.rotation }} quart of {{ skill.get_rotation_type_display }} rotation {% else %} straight jump {% endif %} {% if skill.twist %} with {{ skill.twist }} half-twist {% endif %} {% if skill.get_position_display %} in a {{ skill.get_position_display }} position {% endif %} , landing on {{ skill.landing }}.

{% if skill.informations %} {{ skill.to_markdown | safe }} {% else %}

No more informations provided for this skill.

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block footerscript %} {% endblock %}