{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block page_title %}Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Quote of the day

{{ quote.to_markdown | safe }}

Hi {{ user.first_name }} !

Welcome to Jarvi v1.0.4 (last update : 10 may 2024).

This application is designed to assist coaches in managing gymnasts' progress, evaluations, routines, scores, and more. While this tool isn't flawless, please feel free to submit improvement suggestions, bug reports, or any feedback by sending an email.


Week {{ week_number }}
{% if nb_active_gymnast or nb_event or nb_skill or nb_routine or nb_score or nb_club %}
  • {{ nb_active_gymnast }} active gymnasts
  • {{ nb_trainer }} active trainers
  • {% if nb_event %}
  • {{ nb_event }} events
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_score %}
  • {{ nb_score }} scores
  • {% endif %}
    {% if nb_skill %}
  • {{ nb_skill }} skills
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_routine %}
  • {{ nb_routine }} routines
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_club %}
  • {{ nb_club }} clubs
  • {% endif %}
{% else %}
No statistics to display. {% endif %}

Next Events

{% if event_list %} {% for event in event_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ event.name }} {% if event.number_of_week_from_today < 0 %} {{event.number_of_week_from_today}} {% else %} {{event.number_of_week_from_today}} {% endif %}
{% else %} No future event defined. {% endif %}
{% if is_trainer %}

Updated needed

{% if waiting_update_gymnast %} {% for gymnast in waiting_update_gymnast %} {% endfor %}
{% if gymnast.id in request.session.available_gymnast or request.user.is_superuser %}{% endif %}{{ gymnast }} {{ gymnast.club.acronym }}
{% else %} No update needed. {% endif %}
{% else %}

Your last profile update

  1. Wellbeing: {% if wellbeing_state %} {% endif %} {% if wellbeing_last_record_date %} {{ wellbeing_last_record_date.0 |date:"j F Y" }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if wellbeing_state %} {% endif %}
  2. Height/Weight: {% if height_weight_state %} {% endif %} {% if height_weight_last_record_date %} {{ height_weight_last_record_date.0 |date:"j F Y" }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if wellbeing_state %} {% endif %}
  3. Intensity: {% if intensity_state %} {% endif %} {% if intensities_last_record_date %} {{ intensities_last_record_date.0 |date:"j F Y" }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if wellbeing_state %} {% endif %}
  4. Chrono: {% if chrono_state %} {% endif %} {% if chrono_last_record_date %} {{ chrono_last_record_date.0 |date:"j F Y" }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if chrono_state %} {% endif %}
  5. Learned Skill: {% if known_skills_state %} {% endif %} {% if known_skills_last_record_date %} {{ known_skills_last_record_date.0 |date:"j F Y" }} {% else %} Never {% endif %} {% if known_skills_state %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if is_trainer %}

Last updated gymnasts

{% if last_updated_gymnasts %} {% for gymnast in last_updated_gymnasts %} {% endfor %}
{% if gymnast.id in request.session.available_gymnast or request.user.is_superuser %}{% endif %}{{ gymnast }} {{ gymnast.club.acronym }}
{% else %} No update since your last visit. {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Next birthday

{% if birthday_list %} {% for gymnast in birthday_list %} {% endfor %}
{% if gymnast.id in request.session.available_gymnast or request.user.is_superuser %}{% endif %}{{ gymnast.first_name }} {{ gymnast.birthdate | date:"j M"}} {{ gymnast.next_age }} years
{% else %}

No next birtday (it's a bug).

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block footerscript %} {% endblock%}