{% extends "base.html" %} {% load get_value_at_index %} {% block content %}

{{ gymnast }}

Chrono for from {{ current_season }} {% if date_begin %} {{ date_begin | date:'j M Y' }} to {{ date_end | date:'j M Y' }} {% else %} week {% endif %}
{% if chrono_list %} Compare with: chrono for from {{ current_season }} {% if date_begin %} {{ date_begin | date:'j M Y' }} to {{ date_end | date:'j M Y' }} {% else %} week {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if chrono_list %}
{% for chrono in chrono_list %} {% if chrono.details.all %} {% for detail in chrono.details.all %} {% with stat_value=stat_values|get_value_at_index:forloop.counter0 %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for value in stat_values %} {% endfor %}
{{ detail.value | floatformat:2 }}{{ chrono.score | floatformat:2 }}
{{ value.avg_score | floatformat:2 }}
{% else %}
No chrono details with the selected criteria (routine type, season and week).

{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block footerscript %} {% endblock %}