{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% block page_title %}Dashboard{% endblock %} {% block content %}


{{ quote.to_markdown | safe }}
{% if quote.author %} {% endif %}

Hi {{ user.username }} !

Welcome to Jarvi v0.84 (last update : 12-06-2023)

This application is here to help coaches to manage the gymnasts (evolution, evaluation, routines, scores, …). This tool is not perfect so feel free to make improvement proposals, bug reports, … by sending me an email.

You can find the user manual here (in french).


{% if nb_active_gymnast or nb_event or nb_skill or nb_routine or nb_score or nb_club %}
    {% if nb_active_gymnast %}
  • {{ nb_active_gymnast }} active gymnasts
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_event %}
  • {{ nb_event }} events
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_score %}
  • {{ nb_score }} scores
  • {% endif %}
    {% if nb_skill %}
  • {{ nb_skill }} skills
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_routine %}
  • {{ nb_routine }} routines
  • {% endif %} {% if nb_club %}
  • {{ nb_club }} clubs
  • {% endif %}
{% else %}
No statistics to display. {% endif %}

Next Events

{% if event_list %} {% for event in event_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ event.name }} {% if event.number_of_week_from_today < 0 %} {{event.number_of_week_from_today}} {% else %} {{event.number_of_week_from_today}} {% endif %}
{% else %} No future event defined {% endif %}

Updated needed

{% if waiting_update_gymnast %} {% for gymnast in waiting_update_gymnast %} {% endfor %}
{{ gymnast }} {{ gymnast.club.acronym }}
{% else %} No update needed. {% endif %}

Last updated gymnasts

{% if last_updated_gymnast %} {% for gymnast in last_updated_gymnast %} {% endfor %}
{{ gymnast }} {{ gymnast.club.acronym }}
{% else %} No update since your last visit {% endif %}

Next birthday

{% if birthday_list %} {% for gymnast in birthday_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ gymnast.first_name }} {{ gymnast.birthdate | date:"j M"}} {{ gymnast.next_age }} years
{% else %} No next birtday (it's a bug). {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block footerscript %} {% endblock%}