{% load static %} {{ gymnast.first_name }} {{ gymnast.last_name }}
{{ SITE_TITLE }} - {{ CLUB_NAME }}
{{ ADDRESS }} - {{ ZIP }} {{ CITY }}
Season {{ season }}{% if period != "season" %} - {% if period == "week" %}week{% endif %} {{ period_value }}{% endif %} ({{ date_begin | date:"j N Y" }} - {{ date_end | date:"j N Y" }})
Head Coach : {{ HEAD_COACH }}
{{ today | date:"j F Y" }}

{{ gymnast.first_name }} {{ gymnast.last_name }}

{{ gymnast.age }} years - {% if gymnast.orientation %}{{ gymnast.get_orientation_display }}{% else %}unknown{% endif %} twisting side.
{{season_informations.number_of_hours_per_week}}h training ({{ season_informations.number_of_training_sessions_per_week }}/w) - {{ season_informations.number_of_s_and_c_hours_per_week}}h S&C ({{ season_informations.number_of_s_and_c_sessions_per_week }}/w)
{{ season_informations.get_category_display }}

{% if gymnast.informations %} {{ gymnast.to_markdown | safe }} {% endif %}


{% if mindstate_score.mean_mindstate_value or height_weight_value.mean_height_value %} {% if mindstate_score %} {% endif %} {% if height_weight_value.mean_height_value %} {% endif %} {% if height_weight_value.mean_weight_value %} {% endif %}
Min Average Max
Mind state {{ mindstate_score.min_mindstate_value }} {{ mindstate_score.mean_mindstate_value|stringformat:".1f" }} {{ mindstate_score.max_mindstate_value }}
Height {{ height_weight_value.min_height_value }} {{ height_weight_value.mean_height_value|stringformat:".1f" }} {{ height_weight_value.max_height_value }}
Weight {{ height_weight_value.min_weight_value }} {{ height_weight_value.mean_weight_value|stringformat:".1f" }} {{ height_weight_value.max_weight_value }}
{% else %} No information for selected week. {% endif %}


{% if intensity_value.mean_intensity_time_value %}
Min Average Max
Time {{ intensity_value.min_intensity_time_value }} {{ intensity_value.mean_intensity_time_value|stringformat:".0f" }} {{ intensity_value.max_intensity_time_value }}
Diff. {{ intensity_value.min_intensity_difficulty_value }} {{ intensity_value.mean_intensity_difficulty_value|stringformat:".0f" }} {{ intensity_value.max_intensity_difficulty_value }}
# Skill {{ intensity_value.min_quantity_of_skill_value }} {{ intensity_value.mean_quantity_of_skill_value|stringformat:".0f" }} {{ intensity_value.max_quantity_of_skill_value }}
# Passes {{ intensity_value.min_number_of_passes_value }} {{ intensity_value.mean_number_of_passes_value|stringformat:".0f" }} {{ intensity_value.max_number_of_passes_value }}
{% else %} No intensty for selected period. {% endif %}

Time of flight

{% if number_of_tof_straightjump or number_of_tof_q1r1 or number_of_tof_q1r2 %} {% if best_tof_straightjump.mean_score %} {% endif %} {% if best_tof_q1r1.mean_score %} {% endif %} {% if best_tof_q1r2.mean_score %} {% endif %} {% if best_tof_q2r1.mean_score %} {% endif %} {% if best_tof_sf.mean_score %} {% endif %} {% if best_tof_f.mean_score %} {% endif %}
Min Average Max
10 | ({{ number_of_tof_straightjump }}) {{ best_tof_straightjump.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_straightjump.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_straightjump.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_straightjump.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_straightjump.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_straightjump.max_score }})
Q1R1 ({{ number_of_tof_q1r1 }}) {{ best_tof_q1r1.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q1r1.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_q1r1.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_q1r1.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_q1r1.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q1r1.max_score }})
Q1R2 ({{ number_of_tof_q1r2 }}) {{ best_tof_q1r2.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q1r2.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_q1r2.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_q1r2.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_q1r2.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q1r2.max_score }})
Q2R1 ({{ number_of_tof_q2r1 }}) {{ best_tof_q2r1.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q2r1.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_q2r1.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_q2r1.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_q2r1.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_q2r1.max_score }})
SF ({{ number_of_tof_sf }}) {{ best_tof_sf.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_sf.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_sf.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_sf.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_sf.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_sf.max_score }})
F ({{ number_of_tof_f }}) {{ best_tof_f.min_tof }} ({{ best_tof_f.min_score }}) {{ best_tof_f.mean_tof|stringformat:".3f" }} ({{ best_tof_f.mean_score|stringformat:".3f" }}) {{ best_tof_f.max_tof }} ({{ best_tof_f.max_score }})
{% else %} No chrono/ToF found. {% endif %}

Best Scores

{% if best_point_routine_1 or best_point_routine_2 or best_point_routine_3 or best_point_routine_4 or best_point_routine_5 %} {% if best_point_routine_1 %} {% endif %} {% if best_point_routine_2 %} {% endif %} {% if best_point_routine_3 %} {% endif %} {% if best_point_routine_4 %} {% endif %} {% if best_point_routine_5 %} {% endif %}
Exe. Diff. HD ToF Total
Q1R1 {{ best_point_routine_1.point_execution }} {{ best_point_routine_1.point_difficulty }} {{ best_point_routine_1.point_horizontal_displacement }} {{ best_point_routine_1.point_time_of_flight }} {{ best_point_routine_1.total }} {{ best_point_routine_1.event.date_begin|date:"j M Y" }}
Q1R2 {{ best_point_routine_2.point_execution }} {{ best_point_routine_2.point_difficulty }} {{ best_point_routine_2.point_horizontal_displacement }} {{ best_point_routine_2.point_time_of_flight }} {{ best_point_routine_2.total }} {{ best_point_routine_2.event.date_begin|date:"j M Y" }}
Q2R1 {{ best_point_routine_3.point_execution }} {{ best_point_routine_3.point_difficulty }} {{ best_point_routine_3.point_horizontal_displacement }} {{ best_point_routine_3.point_time_of_flight }} {{ best_point_routine_3.total }} {{ best_point_routine_3.event.date_begin|date:"j M Y" }}
SF {{ best_point_routine_4.point_execution }} {{ best_point_routine_4.point_difficulty }} {{ best_point_routine_4.point_horizontal_displacement }} {{ best_point_routine_4.point_time_of_flight }} {{ best_point_routine_4.total }} {{ best_point_routine_4.event.date_begin|date:"j M Y" }}
F {{ best_point_routine_5.point_execution }} {{ best_point_routine_5.point_difficulty }} {{ best_point_routine_5.point_horizontal_displacement }} {{ best_point_routine_5.point_time_of_flight }} {{ best_point_routine_5.total }} {{ best_point_routine_5.event.date_begin|date:"j M Y" }}
{% else %} No scores during the selected week. {% endif %}

Last learned skills

{% if learned_skills %} {% for learned_skill in learned_skills %} {% endfor %}
{{ learned_skill.skill.short_label }} ({{ learned_skill.get_learning_step_display }}) {{ learned_skill.skill.notation }} {{ learned_skill.date|date:"j M Y" }}
{% else %} No new skill learned on the selected week. {% endif %}


{% if plan_list %} {% for plan in plan_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ plan.educative.short_label }} ({{ plan.get_learning_step_display }}) {{ plan.skill.notation }} {{ plan.date | date:"j M Y" }}
{% else %} No objective for the selected week. {% endif %}

Next Events

{% if next_event_list %} {% for event in next_event_list %} {% endfor %}
{{ event.date_begin | date:"j M Y" }} in {{ event.number_of_week_from_today }} week(s) {{ event.name }}
{% else %} No events on the selected week. {% endif %}


{% if notes %} {% for note in notes %} {{ note.to_markdown | safe }} {% endfor %} {% else %} No note for the selected week. {% endif %}

{% if q1r1 or q1r2 or q2r1 or sfinal or final %}


Q1 routine 1
{% if q1r1 %} {% for routine_skill in q1r1.routine.skill_links.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ routine_skill.skill.notation }} {{ routine_skill.skill.difficulty }}
{{ q1r1.routine.difficulty }}
{% else %} No routine defined. {% endif %} {% if q1r1_done_stat.total_succeeded %} {{ q1r1_done_stat.total_succeeded }} | {{ q1r1_done_stat.total_try }} ({% widthratio q1r1_done_stat.total_succeeded q1r1_done_stat.total_try 100 %}%) {% endif %}
Q1 routine 2
{% if q1r2 %} {% for routine_skill in q1r2.routine.skill_links.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ routine_skill.skill.notation }} {{ routine_skill.skill.difficulty }}
{{ q1r2.routine.difficulty }}
{% else %} No routine defined. {% endif %} {% if q1r2_done_stat.total_succeeded %} {{ q1r2_done_stat.total_succeeded }} | {{ q1r2_done_stat.total_try }} ({% widthratio q1r2_done_stat.total_succeeded q1r2_done_stat.total_try 100 %}%) {% endif %}
Q2 routine 1
{% if q2r1 %} {% for routine_skill in q2r1.routine.skill_links.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ routine_skill.skill.notation }} {{ routine_skill.skill.difficulty }}
{{ q2r1.routine.difficulty }}
{% else %} No routine defined. {% endif %} {% if q2r1_done_stat.total_succeeded %} {{ q2r1_done_stat.total_succeeded }} | {{ q2r1_done_stat.total_try }} ({% widthratio q2r1_done_stat.total_succeeded q2r1_done_stat.total_try 100 %}%) {% endif %}
Semi-final routine
{% if sfinal %} {% for routine_skill in sfinal.routine.skill_links.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ routine_skill.skill.notation }} {{ routine_skill.skill.difficulty }}
{{ sfinal.routine.difficulty }}
{% else %} No routine defined. {% endif %} {% if sfinal_done_stat.total_succeeded %} {{ sfinal_done_stat.total_succeeded }} | {{ sfinal_done_stat.total_try }} ({% widthratio sfinal_done_stat.total_succeeded sfinal_done_stat.total_try 100 %}%) {% endif %}
Final routine
{% if final %} {% for routine_skill in final.routine.skill_links.all %} {% endfor %}
{{ routine_skill.skill.notation }} {{ routine_skill.skill.difficulty }}
{{ final.routine.difficulty }}
{% else %} No routine defined. {% endif %} {% if final_done_stat.total_succeeded %} {{ final_done_stat.total_succeeded }} | {{ final_done_stat.total_try }} ({% widthratio final_done_stat.total_succeeded final_done_stat.total_try 100 %}%) {% endif %}
{% endif %}