
{% if ghr_list %} {% for ghr in ghr_list %} {% endfor %}
Type Label From To Diff. Level Rank
{{ ghr.get_routine_type_display }} {{ ghr.routine.long_label }} {{ ghr.datebegin | date:"d-m-Y"}} {% if ghr.dateend %}{{ ghr.dateend | date:"d F Y" }}{% else %}… to now.{% endif %} {{ ghr.routine.difficulty }} {{ ghr.routine.level }} {{ ghr.routine.rank }}
{% else %}

There are no routines associated to this gymnast.

{% endif %}

Routine's statistics

{% if routine_done_list %} {% for record in routine_done_list %} {% endfor %}
Routine Type Date # Try # Success
{{ record.routine.long_label }} {{ record.get_routine_type_display }} {{ | date:"d-m-Y"}} {{ record.number_of_try }} {{ record.number_of_successes }}
{% else %}

There are no routine's statistics associated to this gymnast.

{% endif %}