
329 lines
10 KiB

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from functools import reduce
import operator
import simplejson
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login as auth_login, logout as auth_logout
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.db.models import Q, Count
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
from django.shortcuts import render, get_object_or_404
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.views.decorators.http import require_http_methods
from ultron.planning.models import (
from .models import (
from .forms import PlaceForm
def __diffTime(end, start):
Prend deux `datetime.time` en paramètre et calcul la différence entre les deux.
startdate = datetime(2000, 1, 1, start.hour, start.minute)
enddate = datetime(2000, 1, 1, end.hour, end.minute)
return enddate - startdate
def place_lookup(request):
Récupère la liste des lieux à la volée suivant des caractères de recherche entrés.
pattern = request.GET.get("pattern", 0)
if pattern is not None and len(pattern) >= 3:
results = Place.objects.filter(
Q(name__icontains=pattern) | Q(city__icontains=pattern)
place_list = [{"ID": x.id, "Label": str(x)} for x in results]
json = simplejson.dumps(place_list)
return HttpResponse(json, content_type="application/json")
def country_lookup(request):
Récupère la liste des pays à la volée suivant des caractères de recherche entrés.
pattern = request.GET.get("pattern", 0)
if pattern is not None and len(pattern) >= 3:
results = Country.objects.filter(
| Q(nationality__icontains=pattern)
country_list = [{"id": x.id, "Label": str(x)} for x in results]
json = simplejson.dumps(country_list)
return HttpResponse(json, content_type="application/json")
def place_listing(request):
Liste tous les lieux connus
place_list = Place.objects.all()
context = {"place_list": place_list}
return render(request, "locations/places/list.html", context)
@require_http_methods(["GET", "POST"])
def place_create_or_update(request, placeid=None):
Formulaire de création d'un nouveau lieu.
if placeid:
place = get_object_or_404(Place, pk=placeid)
data = {"country_related": place.country}
place = None
data = {}
if request.method == "POST":
form = PlaceForm(request.POST, instance=place)
if form.is_valid():
place = form.save()
return HttpResponseRedirect("/place/" + str(place.id) + "/")
form = PlaceForm(instance=place, initial=data)
context = {"form": form, "placeid": placeid}
return render(request, "locations/places/create.html", context)
def place_details(request, placeid):
Récupère toutes les informations d'un lieu.
place = get_object_or_404(Place, pk=placeid)
context = {"place": place}
return render(request, "locations/places/details.html", context)
def club_listing(request):
"""Liste tous les clubs connus
club_list = Club.objects.all()
context = {"club_list": club_list}
return render(request, "locations/clubs/list.html", context)
def club_lookup(request):
Récupère la liste des gymnastes à la volée suivant des caractères de
recherche entrés. (min 3 caractères)
results = []
pattern = request.GET.get("pattern", None)
# Ignore queries shorter than length 3
if pattern is not None and len(pattern) > 3:
model_results = Club.objects.filter(
Q(name__icontains=pattern) | Q(place__city__icontains=pattern)
results = [{"ID": x.id, "Name": str(x)} for x in model_results]
json = simplejson.dumps(results)
return HttpResponse(json, content_type="application/json")
def chooseStatistics(request):
Renvoie la liste des clubs et des saisons pour que l'utilisateur choisisse quelles statistiques il veut voir.
# year = int(request.GET.get("year", date.today().year))
# clubid = request.GET.get("clubid", None)
# years_list = set(course.datebegin.year for course in Course.objects.all())
# club_list = Club.objects.all().order_by("name")
# context = {}
# if year and clubid:
# context = club_statistics(request, (int(clubid),))
# context["selectedClubid"] = clubid
# context["selectedYear"] = year
# context["yearsList"] = years_list
# context["clubList"] = club_list
# return render(request, "club_statistics.html", context)
def club_statistics(request, clubid):
Renvoie les statistiques d'un club pour une saison choisie.
.. todo:: tenir compte de la saison.
# courses = Course.objects.filter(club__in=clubid).order_by(
# "iso_day_number", "hour_begin"
# )
# totalHours = 0
# totalCourses = 0
# totalHoursByWeek = 0
# totalHoursPaid = 0
# gymnastsDict = {}
# gymnasts = []
# courseList = []
# for course in courses:
# nbtrainer = course.trainers.count()
# list_of_gymnasts = Gymnast.objects.filter(to_gym__in=course.to_subgroup.all())
# gymnasts.extend(list_of_gymnasts)
# nbgymnast = len(list_of_gymnasts)
# # gymnasts = set(gymnasts.extend(Gymnast.objects.filter(to_gym__in=course.to_subgroup.all())))
# nbhour = __diffTime(course.hour_end, course.hour_begin) # timedelta
# totalHoursByWeek += nbhour.seconds
# counted = course.get_total_occurence()
# # select tous les unavailables liés au cours
# unavailabilities = Unavailability.objects.filter(course=course)
# for unavailable in unavailabilities:
# counted -= unavailable.get_total_occurence()
# totalCourses += counted
# totalTimeForCourse = nbhour * counted # timedelta
# totalHourForCourse = (totalTimeForCourse.days * 24) + (
# totalTimeForCourse.seconds / 3600
# )
# totalHours += totalHourForCourse
# totalHoursPaidForCourse = totalHourForCourse * nbtrainer
# totalHoursPaid += totalHoursPaidForCourse
# # tmp = int(nbhour.seconds/3600)
# # hour = "%d:%02d" % (tmp, (nbhour.seconds - (tmp * 3600)) / 60)
# hour = nbhour.seconds / 3600
# courseList.append(
# (
# course,
# nbtrainer,
# nbgymnast,
# hour,
# counted,
# totalHourForCourse,
# totalHoursPaidForCourse,
# )
# )
# for gymnast in list_of_gymnasts:
# # print(gymnast)
# if gymnast.id not in gymnastsDict:
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id] = {
# "gymnast": gymnast,
# "nbcoursebyweek": 0,
# "nbhourbyweek": timedelta(),
# "nbtraining": 0,
# "nbattendance": 0,
# "nbabsence": 0,
# "nbhourtraining": 0,
# "nbhourattendance": timedelta(),
# "percentageattendance": 0,
# "nbhourabsence": 0,
# "percentageabsence": 0,
# }
# attendanceList = Training.objects.filter(course=course, gymnast=gymnast)
# nbattendance = len(attendanceList)
# # print(str(gymnast) + ' : ' + str(nbattendance) + ' for ' + str(course) )
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbcoursebyweek"] += 1
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourbyweek"] += nbhour # timedelta
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbtraining"] += counted
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbattendance"] += nbattendance
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourtraining"] += totalHourForCourse
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"] += (
# nbhour * nbattendance
# ) # timedelta
# # print(gymnastsDict[gymnast.id])
# # tous les cours ont été traités
# totalHoursByWeek = totalHoursByWeek / 3600
# gymnasts = set(gymnasts)
# # print(gymnasts)
# for gymnast in gymnasts:
# tmp = int(gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourbyweek"].seconds / 3600)
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourbyweek"] = "%d:%02d" % (
# tmp,
# (gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourbyweek"].seconds - (tmp * 3600)) / 60,
# )
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbabsence"] = (
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbtraining"]
# - gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbattendance"]
# )
# # tmp = (gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]['nbhourattendance'].days * 24) + (gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]['nbhourattendance'].seconds/3600)
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"] = (
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"].days * 24
# ) + (gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"].seconds / 3600)
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourabsence"] = (
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourtraining"]
# - gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"]
# )
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["percentageattendance"] = int(
# (
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourattendance"]
# / gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourtraining"]
# )
# * 100
# )
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["percentageabsence"] = int(
# (
# gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourabsence"]
# / gymnastsDict[gymnast.id]["nbhourtraining"]
# )
# * 100
# )
# context = {
# "courses": courseList,
# "gymnasts": gymnastsDict,
# "totalHoursByWeek": totalHoursByWeek,
# "totalCourses": totalCourses,
# "totalHours": totalHours,
# "totalHoursPaid": totalHoursPaid,
# }
# return context