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<a href="{% url 'gymnast_report_preview' gymnast.id %}">Rapport</a>
<h4 class="title">{{ gymnast.first_name }} {{ gymnast.last_name }}</h4>
{{ gymnast.club.name }}<br />
<b>{{ gymnast.trainings_by_week }} training/week</b> for <b>{{ gymnast.hours_by_week }} hours/week</b><br />
{% if height_weight %}
<b>{{ height_weight.0.height }}cm - {{ height_weight.0.weight }}kg</b> ({{ height_weight.0.date | date:"d-m-Y" }})<br />
{% endif %}
<br />
{% if user_is_trainer and gymnast.informations %}
<p>{{ gymnast.informations }}</p>
<br />
{% endif %}
<h4>Personnal bests :</h4>
<b>10 |</b> : <b>{{ best_straightjump.0.tof }}</b> ({{ best_straightjump.0.date | date:"d-m-Y" }})
<b>R1</b> : <b>{{ best_tof_routine_1.0.tof }}</b> ({{ best_tof_routine_1.0.date | date:"d-m-Y" }})
<b>R2</b> : <b>{{ best_tof_routine_2.0.tof }}</b> ({{ best_tof_routine_2.0.date | date:"d-m-Y" }})
<b>Routine</b> : {% if best_routine %}<b>{{ best_routine.0.tof }}</b> ({{ best_routine.0.date | date:"d-m-Y" }}){% else %} (no information){% endif %}
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(stat par level/rank)
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