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"Sao-Tomienne", "iso2": "ST", "iso3": "STP", "isonum": 678}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 191, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "namefr": "Saint Barth\u00e9lemy", "nationality": "Fran\u00ed_aise", "iso2": "BL", "iso3": "BLM", "isonum": 652}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 192, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Helena", "namefr": "Saint Helene", "nationality": "Sainte-H\u00e9l\u00e9nien", "iso2": "SH", "iso3": "SHN", "isonum": 654}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 193, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "namefr": "Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis", "nationality": "Kitticien", "iso2": "KN", "iso3": "KNA", "isonum": 659}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 194, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Lucia", "namefr": "Sainte-Lucie", "nationality": "Saint-Lucien", "iso2": "LC", "iso3": "LCA", "isonum": 662}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 195, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Martin", "namefr": "Saint Martin (Fran\u00ed_aise)", "nationality": "Saint-Martinoise", "iso2": "MF", "iso3": "MAF", "isonum": 663}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 196, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "namefr": "Saint Pierre et Miquelon", "nationality": "Saint-Pierraise", "iso2": "PM", "iso3": "SPM", "isonum": 666}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 197, "fields": {"nameus": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "namefr": "Saint Vincent et les Grenadines", "nationality": "Saint-Vincentais et Grenadin", "iso2": "VC", "iso3": "VCT", "isonum": 670}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 198, "fields": {"nameus": "Samoa", "namefr": "Samoa", "nationality": "Samoan", "iso2": "WS", "iso3": "WSM", "isonum": 882}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 199, "fields": {"nameus": "San Marino", "namefr": "R\u00e9publique de Saint-Marin", "nationality": "Saint-Marinaise", "iso2": "SM", "iso3": "SMR", "isonum": 674}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 200, "fields": {"nameus": "Saudi Arabia", "namefr": "Arabie Saoudite", "nationality": "Saoudienne", "iso2": "SA", "iso3": "SAU", "isonum": 682}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 201, "fields": {"nameus": "Senegal", "namefr": "S\u00e9n\u00e9gal", "nationality": "S\u00e9n\u00e9galaise", "iso2": "SN", "iso3": "SEN", "isonum": 686}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 202, "fields": {"nameus": "Serbia", "namefr": "Serbie", "nationality": "Serbe", "iso2": "RS", "iso3": "SRB", "isonum": 688}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 203, "fields": {"nameus": "Seychelles", "namefr": "Seychelles", "nationality": "Seychellois", "iso2": "SC", "iso3": "SYC", "isonum": 690}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 204, "fields": {"nameus": "Sierra Leone", "namefr": "Sierra Leone", "nationality": "Sierra-L\u00e9onaise", "iso2": "SL", "iso3": "SLE", "isonum": 694}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 205, "fields": {"nameus": "Singapore", "namefr": "Singapoure", "nationality": "Singapourien", "iso2": "SG", "iso3": "SGP", "isonum": 702}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 206, "fields": {"nameus": "Sint 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"iso3": "ZAF", "isonum": 710}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 212, "fields": {"nameus": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "namefr": "G\u00e9orgie du Sud et Iles Sandwich du Sud", "nationality": "Argentine", "iso2": "GS", "iso3": "SGS", "isonum": 239}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 213, "fields": {"nameus": "South Korea", "namefr": "Cor\u00e9e du Sud", "nationality": "Sud-Cor\u00e9enne", "iso2": "KR", "iso3": "KOR", "isonum": 410}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 214, "fields": {"nameus": "South Sudan", "namefr": "Soudan du Sud", "nationality": "Sud-Soudanaise", "iso2": "SS", "iso3": "SSD", "isonum": 728}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 215, "fields": {"nameus": "Spain", "namefr": "Espagne", "nationality": "Espagnole", "iso2": "ES", "iso3": "ESP", "isonum": 724}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 216, "fields": {"nameus": "Sri Lanka", "namefr": "Sri Lnaka", "nationality": "Sri-Lankaise", "iso2": "LK", "iso3": "LKA", "isonum": 144}}, {"model": 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"iso2": "CH", "iso3": "CHE", "isonum": 756}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 223, "fields": {"nameus": "Syria", "namefr": "Syrie", "nationality": "Syrienne", "iso2": "SY", "iso3": "SYR", "isonum": 760}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 224, "fields": {"nameus": "Taiwan", "namefr": "Taiwan", "nationality": "Ta\u00efwanaise", "iso2": "TW", "iso3": "TWN", "isonum": 158}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 225, "fields": {"nameus": "Tajikistan", "namefr": "Tajikistan", "nationality": "Tadjike", "iso2": "TJ", "iso3": "TJK", "isonum": 762}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 226, "fields": {"nameus": "Tanzania", "namefr": "Tanzanie", "nationality": "Tanzanienne", "iso2": "TZ", "iso3": "TZA", "isonum": 834}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 227, "fields": {"nameus": "Thailand", "namefr": "Tha\u00efland", "nationality": "Tha\u00eflandaise", "iso2": "TH", "iso3": "THA", "isonum": 764}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 228, "fields": {"nameus": "Togo", "namefr": "Togo", 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"Uganda", "namefr": "Ouganda", "nationality": "Ougandaise", "iso2": "UG", "iso3": "UGA", "isonum": 800}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 240, "fields": {"nameus": "Ukraine", "namefr": "Ukraine", "nationality": "Ukrainienne", "iso2": "UA", "iso3": "UKR", "isonum": 804}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 241, "fields": {"nameus": "United Arab Emirates", "namefr": "Emiras", "nationality": "Emirienne", "iso2": "AE", "iso3": "ARE", "isonum": 784}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 242, "fields": {"nameus": "United Kingdom", "namefr": "Royaume Uni", "nationality": "Anglaise", "iso2": "GB", "iso3": "GBR", "isonum": 826}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 243, "fields": {"nameus": "United States", "namefr": "Etats-Unis", "nationality": "Am\u00e9ricaine", "iso2": "US", "iso3": "USA", "isonum": 840}}, {"model": "location.country", "pk": 244, "fields": {"nameus": "Uruguay", "namefr": "Uruguay", "nationality": "Uruguayenne", "iso2": "UY", "iso3": "URY", "isonum": 858}}, {"model": 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"address": "Koning Albertstraat 18", "postal": 8791, "city": "Beveren-Leie", "country": 23, "nbkm": 100, "timing": 80, "active": true}}, {"model": "location.place", "pk": 12, "fields": {"name": "WIK Oostende", "address": "Ka\u00efrostraat, 91", "postal": 8400, "city": "Oostende", "country": 23, "nbkm": 130, "timing": 90, "active": true}}, {"model": "location.place", "pk": 13, "fields": {"name": "Parc du Cinquantenaire", "address": "Parc du Cinquantenaire", "postal": 1000, "city": "Bruxelles", "country": 23, "nbkm": 50, "timing": 40, "active": true}}, {"model": "location.club", "pk": 1, "fields": {"place": 1, "name": "La Vaillante de Tubize", "acronym": "LVT", "active": true}}, {"model": "location.club", "pk": 2, "fields": {"place": 2, "name": "Ten Gaerde", "acronym": "TGD", "active": true}}, {"model": "planning.eventtype", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Comp\u00e9tition Qualificative", "acronym": "CHPTQ"}}, {"model": "planning.eventtype", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "D\u00e9monstration", "acronym": "DEMO"}}, {"model": "planning.eventtype", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "Comp\u00e9tition Finale", "acronym": "CHPTF"}}, {"model": "planning.eventtype", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "Stage", "acronym": "STA"}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 1, "fields": {"information": "Dimanche 20 Septembre, Bruxelles organisait sa traditionnelle \u00ab Journ\u00e9e sans voiture\u00ab . De 9h30 \u00e0 19h, c\u2019est toute la R\u00e9gion bruxelloise, y compris la ville de Bruxelles, qui \u00e9tait ferm\u00e9e \u00e0 la circulation automobile. La m\u00e9t\u00e9o \u00e9tait favorable, c\u2019\u00e9tait l\u2019occasion id\u00e9ale pour le public de faire le tour de la ville et d\u00e9couvrir toutes les activit\u00e9s et curiosit\u00e9s propos\u00e9es, ces derni\u00e8res \u00e9tant gratuites.", "place": 13, "eventtype": 2, "name": "Iris Day", "datebegin": "2015-09-20T08:00:00Z", "dateend": "2015-09-20T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 3, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 2, "fields": {"information": "### Information sous forme de MarkDown\u2026\r\n\r\n - liste item 1\r\n - liste item 2\r\n - liste item 3\r\n\r\n` bout de code\r\n", "place": 11, "eventtype": 2, "name": "Golden River Cup", "datebegin": "2015-10-29T08:00:00Z", "dateend": "2015-10-29T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [1]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 3, "fields": {"information": "#### Plein d'informations !", "place": 4, "eventtype": 3, "name": "BOT Finale", "datebegin": "2015-11-15T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2015-11-15T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 10, 9]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 4, "fields": {"information": "Stage de toussaint. Pr\u00e9paration du stage de P\u00e2ques.", "place": 1, "eventtype": 4, "name": "Stage Toussaint", "datebegin": "2015-11-02T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2015-11-06T12:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [6, 7, 2, 4, 3, 9]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 5, "fields": {"information": "Comp\u00e9tition pour la division pr\u00e9paratoire.", "place": 6, "eventtype": 1, "name": "Pr\u00e9pa. GymFed 1", "datebegin": "2016-01-23T08:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-01-24T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [6, 7, 5, 12, 4, 8]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 6, "fields": {"information": "Troisi\u00e8me comp\u00e9titions pour la division pr\u00e9paratoire", "place": 9, "eventtype": 1, "name": "Pr\u00e9pa. GymFed 3", "datebegin": "2016-03-05T08:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-03-06T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [7, 27, 5, 12, 4, 8]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 7, "fields": {"information": "Tout plein d'informations.", "place": 8, "eventtype": 1, "name": "A&B GymFed 1", "datebegin": "2016-02-06T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-02-07T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 3, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 8, "fields": {"information": "Tout plein d'informations...", "place": 7, "eventtype": 1, "name": "A&B GymFed 2", "datebegin": "2016-02-27T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-02-28T18:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 3, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 9, "fields": {"information": "Plein d'informations...", "place": 10, "eventtype": 3, "name": "Chpt BCBW", "datebegin": "2016-03-12T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-03-12T13:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 13, 3, 9, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.event", "pk": 10, "fields": {"information": "Plein d'informations.", "place": 1, "eventtype": 1, "name": "Chpt FfG", "datebegin": "2016-04-16T09:00:00Z", "dateend": "2016-04-16T16:00:00Z", "gymnasts": [2, 27, 5, 12, 4, 10, 3, 9, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 1, "fields": {"club": 1, "name": "Pr\u00e9paratoire", "acronym": "PRE", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 2, "fields": {"club": 1, "name": "Division 1 & 2", "acronym": "D1&2", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 3, "fields": {"club": 1, "name": "Division 3 & 4", "acronym": "D3&4", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 4, "fields": {"club": 1, "name": "Loisir", "acronym": "LSR", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 5, "fields": {"club": 2, "name": "A", "acronym": "A", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 6, "fields": {"club": 2, "name": "B", "acronym": "B", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.group", "pk": 7, "fields": {"club": 2, "name": "C", "acronym": "C", "active": true, "season": "2015-2016"}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 1, "fields": {"name": "Pr\u00e9paratoire", "acronym": "PREPA", "group": 1, "active": true, "courses": [1, 16], "gymnasts": [6, 7, 5, 12, 4, 9, 8]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 2, "fields": {"name": "Division 1&2", "acronym": "Div.1&2", "group": 2, "active": true, "courses": [2, 3, 5, 6], "gymnasts": [2, 10, 3, 1]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 3, "fields": {"name": "D3&4_LuVe", "acronym": "D3&4_1", "group": 3, "active": true, "courses": [5, 14], "gymnasts": []}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 4, "fields": {"name": "D3&4_LuSa", "acronym": "D3&4_2", "group": 3, "active": true, "courses": [8, 14], "gymnasts": [14]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 5, "fields": {"name": "D3&4_VeSa", "acronym": "D3&4_3", "group": 3, "active": true, "courses": [8, 15], "gymnasts": []}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 6, "fields": {"name": "D3&4_LuVeSa", "acronym": "D3&4", "group": 3, "active": true, "courses": [8, 14, 15], "gymnasts": [13]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 7, "fields": {"name": "Loisir_Ve", "acronym": "Loisir 1", "group": 4, "active": true, "courses": [4], "gymnasts": [18, 19, 21, 20, 22, 17, 15, 16, 23, 24]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 8, "fields": {"name": "Loisir_Sa", "acronym": "Loisir 2", "group": 4, "active": true, "courses": [8], "gymnasts": [26, 25]}}, {"model": "planning.subgroup", "pk": 9, "fields": {"name": "Loisir_Me", "acronym": "LMe", "group": 4, "active": true, "courses": [7], "gymnasts": [14, 15, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 5, "fields": {"information": "Cong\u00e9 de Toussaint", "datebegin": "2015-11-02", "dateend": "2015-11-07", "course": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 6, "fields": {"information": "Jour f\u00e9ri\u00e9.", "datebegin": "2015-11-11", "dateend": "2015-11-11", "course": [3, 7]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 7, "fields": {"information": "Cong\u00e9 de fin d'ann\u00e9e.", "datebegin": "2015-12-21", "dateend": "2016-01-03", "course": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 8, "fields": {"information": "Cong\u00e9 de carnaval", "datebegin": "2016-02-08", "dateend": "2016-02-14", "course": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 9, "fields": {"information": "Cong\u00e9 de P\u00e2ques", "datebegin": "2016-03-28", "dateend": "2016-04-10", "course": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 10, "fields": {"information": "Tournoi des Favelas", "datebegin": "2015-12-19", "dateend": "2015-12-19", "course": [6, 8, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 11, "fields": {"information": "Comp\u00e9tition accro Ath\u00e9na", "datebegin": "2016-03-12", "dateend": "2016-03-13", "course": [6, 8, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 12, "fields": {"information": "Tournoi des 4 ballons HSCT", "datebegin": "2016-06-25", "dateend": "2016-06-25", "course": [6, 8, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 13, "fields": {"information": "Journ\u00e9e Athena", "datebegin": "2016-05-28", "dateend": "2016-05-28", "course": [6, 8, 16]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 14, "fields": {"information": "Lundi de pentec\u00f4te", "datebegin": "2016-05-16", "dateend": "2016-05-16", "course": [1, 2, 14]}}, {"model": "planning.unavailability", "pk": 15, "fields": {"information": "Suppression du cours pour cause d'absences (examens)", "datebegin": "2015-12-09", "dateend": "2015-12-09", "course": [3, 7]}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 1, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-12-02"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 2, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-12-02"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 3, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-12-04"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 4, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-12-04"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 5, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-12-04"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 6, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-12-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 7, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-12-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 8, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-12-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 9, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-12-07"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 10, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 11, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-13"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 12, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 13, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 14, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-18"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 15, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-18"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 16, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-18"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 17, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-18"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 18, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 19, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 20, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 21, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 22, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 23, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 24, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-13"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 25, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-13"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 26, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 27, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 28, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-20"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 29, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-20"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 30, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 31, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 32, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 33, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 34, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-23"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 35, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-23"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 36, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-23"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 38, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-25"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 39, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-25"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 40, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-11-25"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 41, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-11-27"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 42, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-28"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 43, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-11-28"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 44, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-30"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 46, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-30"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 47, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-30"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 48, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-11-30"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 49, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-03"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 50, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-03"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 51, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-03"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 52, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-03"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 53, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 54, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 55, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 56, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-05"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 57, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-07"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 58, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-07"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 59, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-07"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 60, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-07"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 61, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-10"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 62, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-10"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 63, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-10"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 64, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-10"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 65, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 67, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 68, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-09"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 69, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-02"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 70, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-02"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 71, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-02"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 72, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-12"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 73, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-12"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 74, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-12"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 75, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-12"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 76, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 77, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 78, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-14"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 79, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 80, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-16"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 81, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-17"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 82, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-17"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 83, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-17"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 84, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-19"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 85, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-19"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 86, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 2, "trainingdate": "2015-10-19"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 87, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 88, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 89, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 3, "trainingdate": "2015-10-21"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 90, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-23"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 91, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 5, "trainingdate": "2015-10-23"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 92, "fields": {"gymnast": 3, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-24"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 93, "fields": {"gymnast": 10, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-24"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 94, "fields": {"gymnast": 2, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-24"}}, {"model": "planning.training", "pk": 95, "fields": {"gymnast": 1, "course": 6, "trainingdate": "2015-10-24"}}, {"model": "planning.training", 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"ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [2], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 2, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Chandelle", "shortLabel": "Chandelle", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 0, "rank": 0, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 3, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Saut carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Carp\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [2, 5, 10], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 4, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Saut \u00e9cart", "shortLabel": "Ecart", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [2], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 5, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber assis", "shortLabel": "Assis", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 6, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber plat dos", "shortLabel": "Plat dos", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185, 199, 5], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 7, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber plat dos group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Plat dos o", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [1, 6], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 8, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber plat dos carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Plat dos <", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [6, 3], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 9, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber dos", "shortLabel": "Dos", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [185, 6], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 10, "fields": {"information": "Commentaires concernant le 4 pattes :\r\n\r\n - comment l'aborder\r\n - les erreurs 'courantes'\r\n - blablabla\r\n - \u2026", "longLabel": "Tomber quadrup\u00e9dique", "shortLabel": "4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 11, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber ventre", "shortLabel": "Ventre", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [181, 197, 10], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 12, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber ventre ouvert", "shortLabel": "Ventre ouvert", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 13, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Tomber dos ferm\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Dos ferm\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [6, 9], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 14, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Debout (de l'assis)", "shortLabel": "Debout", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 15, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Debout (du ventre)", "shortLabel": "Debout", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [182], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 16, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Debout (du dos)", "shortLabel": "Debout", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 17, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Petit piqu\u00e9 group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Petit piqu\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [205], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 18, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Petit piqu\u00e9 carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Petit piqu\u00e9 <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 19, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Piqu\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Piqu\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 20, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Piqu\u00e9 group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Piqu\u00e9 o", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 21, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Piqu\u00e9 carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Piqu\u00e9 <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 22, "fields": {"information": "Il constitue une \u00e9tape \u00e0 franchir tr\u00e8s importante pour le d\u00e9butant. C'est l'exercice qui va lui permettre de passer dans un monde nouveau, inconnu, les rotations a\u00e9riennes en avant. Il fascine les jeunes \u00e9l\u00e8ves en raison de l'apparente facilit\u00e9 de r\u00e9alisation et de leur envie pressante de r\u00e9aliser leurs premiers saltos.\r\n\r\nLe salto avant est une rotation transversale avant de 360\u00b0 dans l\u2019espace, d\u00e9part de la station debout arriv\u00e9e \u00e0 la station debout.\r\n\r\n## Analyse technique\r\n\r\nA l\u2019entr\u00e9e de la toile, les bras sont verticaux au dessus de la t\u00eate, le corps allong\u00e9 et gain\u00e9 en fond de toile. Il ne faut pas anticiper le mouvement par un balayage du buste, mais bien attendre le renvoi de la toile. En sortie de celle-ci, nous aurons un balayage du buste synchronis\u00e9 avec le renvoi de la toile.\r\n\r\nLors de la mise en rotation, les fessiers et les abdominaux doivent \u00eatre contract\u00e9s \u00e9nergiquement afin d\u2019\u00e9viter que le bassin ne parte vers l\u2019arri\u00e8re. Le regard sera dirig\u00e9 vers les jambes pendant la rotation. L\u2019inconv\u00e9nient \u00e0 l\u2019ouverture du salto avant est que la prise d\u2019informations visuelles ne vient que tr\u00e8s tardivement. C\u2019est pourquoi le salto avant ne s'utilise pas \u00e0 l'int\u00e9rieur d'une s\u00e9rie, il sera remplac\u00e9 avantageusement pas un *barani*, qui permet une prise d'informations visuelles plus favorable \u00e0 l'encha\u00eenement.\r\n\r\nLes bras, les omoplates et les \u00e9paules seront soulev\u00e9s en direction du plafond, l\u00e9g\u00e8rement vers l\u2019avant. Le corps s\u2019\u00e9l\u00e8ve, puis une action \u00e9nergique de fermeture permet d\u2019adopter une position group\u00e9e ou carp\u00e9e. Cette action sera suivie de l\u2019action inverse d\u2019ouverture \u00e0 l\u2019oblique avant haute pour \u00eatre totale \u00e0 une heure au plus tard, les bras coll\u00e9s le long du corps. Le corps amorcera l\u2019approche de la toile en restant dans une position gain\u00e9e.\r\n\r\n\r\n## Biom\u00e9canique\r\nAu take-off, les membres inf\u00e9rieurs sont verticaux, le tronc inclin\u00e9 vers l'avant formant un angle de rotation de 50\u00b0 par rapport \u00e0 la verticale. Les membres sup\u00e9rieurs sont \u00e9lev\u00e9s, tendus au dessus de la t\u00eate. Le regard est fix\u00e9 au loin \u00e0 l'oblique basse. Cette position placera le centre de gravit\u00e9 en avant du polygone de sustentation.\r\n\r\nL'\u00e9l\u00e9vation du corps est cr\u00e9\u00e9e par la r\u00e9action de la toile \u00e0 l'action des membres inf\u00e9rieurs, tendus en sortie de toile. Le centre de gravit\u00e9 se trouvant en avant de la r\u00e9action de la toile, la pouss\u00e9e est excentrique et cr\u00e9e une rotation en avant autour d'un axe transversal.\r\n\r\nL'abaissement des membres sup\u00e9rieurs augmente le moment angulaire de l'ensemble du corps (transfert de moments angulaires relatifs). La projection du centre de gravit\u00e9 est l\u00e9g\u00e8rement en avant de la base d'appui. Le *salto avant* va se r\u00e9aliser avec un d\u00e9placement vers l'avant (30 \u00e0 50 cm). Ce d\u00e9placement est normal et doit \u00eatre recherch\u00e9 par l'ex\u00e9cutant.\r\n\r\nLe corps s'\u00e9l\u00e8ve anim\u00e9 d'une rotation vers l'avant autour de l'axe transversal. Une action dynamique et explosive de fermeture du corps permet d\u2019adopter soit une position group\u00e9e, soit une position carp\u00e9e. Cette fermeture sur le tronc se fait lors de la phase ascendante. La position est bien marqu\u00e9e, les mains attrapent les genoux ou les chevilles et la vitesse maximale de la rotation est, \u00e0 ce moment, atteinte.\r\n\r\nLa fermeture est suivie d\u2019une action inverse d\u2019ouverture tout aussi dynamique et explosive, \u00e0 la verticale. Les jambes, les cuisses et le bassin commencent \u00e0 se r\u00e9aligner, les bras s\u2019allongent le long du corps pour tendre vers une position tendue.\r\n\r\nL'action de p\u00e9n\u00e9tration des membres inf\u00e9rieurs dans la toile doit \u00eatre verticale afin que leur c\u00f4ne de p\u00e9n\u00e9tration soit sym\u00e9trique par rapport \u00e0 une verticale abaiss\u00e9e au centre du polygone de sustentation. C'est cette condition qui permet d'obtenir une r\u00e9action verticale utilis\u00e9e par le trampoliniste pour la r\u00e9alisation du saut suivant.\r\n\r\n\r\n## D\u00e9marche p\u00e9dagogique\r\nComme dans toute r\u00e9alisation nouvelle, il ne faut pas exiger du d\u00e9butant un salto avant parfait, et surtout pas une ouverture parfaite, que ce soit en termes de position ou de timing. L'ouverture id\u00e9ale ne pourra se faire que quand l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve aura acquis tous les \u00e9l\u00e9ments n\u00e9cessaires \u00e0 sa r\u00e9alisation, \u00e0 commencer par la capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9aliser un salto avant carp\u00e9 (pour un group\u00e9) ou tendu (pour un carp\u00e9), ainsi que la capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9aliser un salto avant group\u00e9 (ou carp\u00e9 suivant le cas) jusqu'au ventre.\r\n\r\nLors de l'apprentissage, il ne faudra pas h\u00e9siter \u00e0 \u00eatre progressif et \u00e0 avancer \u00e9tapes par \u00e9tapes. Il ne faudra pas non plus h\u00e9siter \u00e0 avoir recours \u00e0 des manipulations. Manipulations et utilisation de tapis ont un point commun : mieux vaut une fois de trop qu'une fois trop peu !\r\n\r\n\r\n### Pr\u00e9requis\r\n\r\nToutes les figures avec un d\u00e9part vers l'avant pr\u00e9parent au *salto avant*. Nous y retrouvons l'essentiel : la pouss\u00e9e compl\u00e8te, le placement des membres sup\u00e9rieurs et la position de la t\u00eate.\r\n\r\n - 4 pattes\r\n - Ventre\r\n - Petit piqu\u00e9\r\n - Culbute avant (au sol)\r\n\r\nAttention cependant au d\u00e9part de ces figures : certaines, telles que le *4 pattes* et le *ventre* n'utilisent pas le m\u00eame mouvement de bras. Le *salto avant*, le *petit piqu\u00e9*, ... exigent un placement de bras alors que le *ventre* et le *4 pattes* exigent un lancer de bras.\r\n\r\n\r\n### Educatifs\r\n\r\nVoici un ensemble d'\u00e9ducatifs qu'il est possible de travailler gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 des montages au sol.\r\n\r\n#### montage pour rotation\r\n\r\n - Culbute sur banc ou plinth (axe).\r\n - Culbute sur mousse pench\u00e9 (vitesse).\r\n\r\n\r\n#### montage pour d\u00e9part\r\n\r\n - Culbute par-dessus un obstacle (enrouler).\r\n - Culbute sur un obstacle (mont\u00e9e).\r\n\r\n\r\n#### montage pour ouverture\r\n\r\n - Culbute sur un mousse \u00e9lev\u00e9, arriv\u00e9e \u00e0 terre.\r\n - Culbute sur un mousse pench\u00e9, ouverture plat dos.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### Progressions\r\n\r\nDeux progressions diff\u00e9rentes existent pour aborder le *salto avant*. Il n'y en a pas de meilleure ou de moins bonne : leur efficacit\u00e9 d\u00e9pend des facilit\u00e9s d'apprentissage de l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve et du bagage acrobatique d\u00e9j\u00e0 acquis. Mais avant d'aborder ces deux progressions, il faut en r\u00e9aliser une autre : l'apprentissage de l'anticipation de bras.\r\n\r\n#### Apprentissage de l\u2019anticipation de bras\r\n\r\nLa technique n'est pas tr\u00e8s compliqu\u00e9e. N\u00e9anmoins, c'est un mouvement qui sera utile tout au long de la carri\u00e8re du trampoliniste. Il ne faut donc pas h\u00e9siter \u00e0 prendre le temps n\u00e9cessaire pour que l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve ma\u00eetrise correctement cette technique.\r\n\r\nIl faut commencer par demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de r\u00e9aliser plusieurs chandelles en gardant les bras tendus, coll\u00e9s aux oreilles. L'\u00e9l\u00e8ve doit ensuite r\u00e9aliser le m\u00eame exercice mais, cette fois, les bras tendus, en bas, coll\u00e9s au corps.\r\n\r\nDemander ensuite \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de r\u00e9aliser des chandelles altern\u00e9es : lors de la premi\u00e8re, l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve monte les bras ; lors de la suivante, il les abaisse. La mont\u00e9e et descente des bras se fait par le c\u00f4t\u00e9. Une fois l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve capable de cela, il faut lui demander de r\u00e9aliser le m\u00eame exercice avec la mont\u00e9e et la descente des bras au cours de la m\u00eame chandelle.\r\n\r\nL'\u00e9l\u00e8ve doit ensuite r\u00e9aliser l'anticipation de bras, \u00e0 savoir trois mouvements de bras au cours de la m\u00eame chandelle. Les deux premiers sont les mouvements normaux d'une chandelle habituelle, le deuxi\u00e8me est simplement r\u00e9alis\u00e9 plus rapidement afin de pouvoir, avant d'avoir atteint la phase de landing, commencer \u00e0 remonter les bras de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 ce que, au point mort bas, les bras soient correctement plac\u00e9s, tendus, coll\u00e9s aux oreilles.\r\n\r\nUne fois cette \u00e9tape ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, on peut varier le saut sur lequel l'anticipation de bras est faite, en commen\u00e7ant par un saut de base.\r\n\r\n#### Par 4 pattes\r\n\r\nPasser par la position quadrup\u00e9dique est sans doute la premi\u00e8re approche qui peut \u00eatre faite du salto avant de par sa similitude avec ce dernier et sa simplicit\u00e9 d\u2019ex\u00e9cution. Cette approche permettra aussi de travailler l'ouverture ainsi que le contr\u00f4le de rotation.\r\n\r\nIl ne faudra pas h\u00e9siter \u00e0 revenir \u00e0 certaines de ces \u00e9tapes une fois le salto acquis, afin d\u2019accro\u00eetre la ma\u00eetrise des moments pr\u00e9cit\u00e9s. Avant d'aborder le vif du sujet nous proscrirons une \u00e9tape pr\u00e9cise, celle du *4 pattes - ATR*. Cette \u00e9tape n\u00e9cessite la mise de main dans la toile va amener \u00e0 une ouverture des \u00e9paules, du corps, \\ldots et cela contrecarrera l'apprentissage plus qu'autre chose.\r\n\r\nIl faut, comme premi\u00e8re \u00e9tape, reprendre une \u00e9tape de la progression du *petit piqu\u00e9* : Demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de r\u00e9aliser un *4 pattes - \u00bd salto, dos*. L\u00e0 encore, les mains restent en contact jusqu'au passage de t\u00eate de l'ex\u00e9cutant et, lors des premi\u00e8res r\u00e9alisations, l\u2019entra\u00eeneur veillera \u00e0 demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve d'aller jusqu'\u00e0 l'assis avant de demander une arriv\u00e9e dos : mieux vaut s'assurer que l'ex\u00e9cutant \u00e0 trop de rotation (arriv\u00e9e assis) plut\u00f4t que trop peu (arriv\u00e9e nuque).\r\n\r\nA partir de cette progression, et une fois celle-ci ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, il faut demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de r\u00e9aliser une fermeture group\u00e9e imm\u00e9diatement suivie d'une demi-ouverture afin d'arriver assis. Une fois l'arriv\u00e9e assis bien ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de r\u00e9aliser le m\u00eame exercice mais avec une arriv\u00e9e plat dos. Ici encore il vaut mieux d'abord privil\u00e9gier une grande quantit\u00e9 de rotation avant d'affiner le contr\u00f4le et de diminuer cette quantit\u00e9. Cet \u00e9tape peut continuer d'\u00eatre travaill\u00e9e en parall\u00e8le et m\u00eame apr\u00e8s l'\u00e9tape suivante, en mettant alors l'accent sur le moment et le dynamisme de l'ouverture.\r\n\r\nL'\u00e9tape d'apr\u00e8s consiste \u00e0 demander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve une arriv\u00e9e debout, droit, sur ses pieds et, si possible, de pouvoir effectuer une chandelle apr\u00e8s. Il faudra veiller \u00e0 privil\u00e9gier une l\u00e9g\u00e8re sous-rotation afin d'\u00e9viter les accidents.\r\n\r\nCes deux derni\u00e8res \u00e9tapes devraient, dans l'id\u00e9al, \u00e9galement pouvoir \u00eatre r\u00e9alis\u00e9es \u00e0 partir d'un tomber genoux. De la sorte, le nombre de quarts de rotation du buste est augment\u00e9 et participe ainsi \u00e0 la complexification de l'\u00e9tape d'apprentissage.\r\n\r\n#### Par culbute\r\n\r\nSeconde approche du salto avant. Celle-ci \u00e0 l'avantage de mettre l'accent sur la mise en rotation depuis la station, via l'\u00e9volution vers un placement de plus en plus droit.\r\n\r\nL\u00e0 aussi, des \u00e9tapes de la progression du *petit piqu\u00e9* seront reprises et quelque peu modifi\u00e9es afin de mieux correspondre \u00e0 notre objectif.\r\n\r\nDemander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de se placer sur une des lignes rouges verticales, accroupi, et de r\u00e9aliser une culbute avant comme s'il se trouvait au sol. Demander plusieurs r\u00e9p\u00e9titions et veiller au bon placement des mains, au rentrer de t\u00eate de l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve et \u00e0 la mani\u00e8re dont il pilote la culbute. Cette derni\u00e8re devra se faire le plus possible sur un axe frontal \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve. Si, une fois cette \u00e9tape ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve peut faire pareil avec une prise des genoux en mains.\r\n\r\nDemander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de se placer sur une des lignes rouges, accroupi, et de r\u00e9aliser une culbute avant, bras tendus sur le c\u00f4t\u00e9 afin que les mains ne puissent pas prendre appui sur la toile. Demander plusieurs r\u00e9p\u00e9titions et veiller au bon placement des mains, au rentrer de t\u00eate de l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve et \u00e0 la mani\u00e8re dont il pilote la culbute. Cette derni\u00e8re devra se faire le plus possible sur un axe frontal \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve. Si, une fois cette \u00e9tape ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve peut faire pareil avec une prise des genoux en mains, cela sera utile pour plus tard. Une fois ma\u00eetris\u00e9 depuis un d\u00e9part accroupi, demander le m\u00eame exercice, d\u00e9part debout dans une position carp\u00e9e, bras tendus sur le c\u00f4t\u00e9, avec les jambes pli\u00e9es (elles devront l'\u00eatre de moins en moins au fil des r\u00e9p\u00e9titions, jusqu'\u00e0 \u00eatre compl\u00e8tement tendues).\r\n\r\nM\u00eame d\u00e9marche qu'\u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9tape pr\u00e9c\u00e9dente, si ce n'est que l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve doit essayer, lors de sa culbute, que ni les mains ni la t\u00eate (y compris l'arri\u00e8re de celle-ci) ne touche le support \u00e0 aucun moment. Si l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve n'y arrive pas, l'entra\u00eeneur peut lui conseiller de donner une impulsion avec ses chevilles et ses pieds afin de pouvoir arriver directement sur le haut du dos lors de la culbute.\r\n\r\nDemander \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve de se placer sur une des lignes rouges, debout, jambes tendues, en position carp\u00e9e, et de r\u00e9aliser une culbute avant, bras tendus sur le c\u00f4t\u00e9, de mani\u00e8re \u00e0 ce que ni les mains, ni la t\u00eate ne touchent le support devant lui. Cette fois-ci l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve doit faire des rebonds, m\u00eame petits. Dans un premier temps, il sera demand\u00e9 \u00e0 l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve d'aller jusqu'\u00e0 l'assis, puis, une fois que cette arriv\u00e9e sera ma\u00eetris\u00e9e, il lui sera alors demand\u00e9 de n'aller \"que\" jusqu'au dos. Une fois que l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve commence \u00e0 ma\u00eetriser l'exercice, l'amplitude des bonds peut \u00eatre augment\u00e9e.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n### D\u00e9fauts type\r\n#### Appr\u00e9hension au d\u00e9part\r\n\r\n - Se penche en avant/Recule les pieds \u00e0 la derni\u00e8re chandelle.\r\n - Fermeture du bassin dans la toile.\r\n - Trop rapide avec les bras.\r\n - Ne regarde pas devant.\r\n - Ne travaille pas avec les \u00e9paules.\r\n\r\n\r\n#### Appr\u00e9hension \u00e0 l\u2019arriv\u00e9e\r\n\r\n - Regarde sur le c\u00f4t\u00e9 \u00e0 l\u2019ouverture.\r\n - Reste corps ferm\u00e9 pour regarder en bas.\r\n - Ouvre trop le corps (banane), cherche la toile avec les pieds.\r\n\r\n\r\n## Evolutions\r\nLe *salto avant* a peu d'utilit\u00e9 en tant que tel mais poss\u00e8de deux \u00e9volutions principales : le *barani* et le *double avant* soit via la *1 \u00be* soit via le *half out*. Une autre \u00e9volution possible est d'utiliser le salto avant \u00e0 la suite d'une arriv\u00e9e dos via le *ball out* ou *barani ball out*.", "longLabel": "Salto avant group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Avant o", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [17], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 23, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto avant carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Avant <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 24, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto avant tendu", "shortLabel": "Avant /", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 25, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re o", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 26, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 27, "fields": {"information": "Cf info \"trampoline\" France : abordage des positions carp\u00e9s et tendues en m\u00eame temps que le group\u00e9.", "longLabel": "Salto arri\u00e8re tendu", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re /", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 28, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour", "shortLabel": "\u00bd tour", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [2], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 29, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille", "shortLabel": "Vrille", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [2, 28], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 30, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Cody o", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 31, "fields": {"information": "### Apprentissage\r\nPlusieurs \u00e9tapes peuvent \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e pour approcher le barani o.\r\n\r\n#### 4 pattes - avant, plat dos - 1/2 debout\r\n\r\n* un bon 4 pattes\r\n* pousser le dos haut vers le plafond\r\n* ouverture en plat dos\r\n\r\n#### 3/4 Avant o - 1/2 debout\r\n1. bon d\u00e9part vers le haut\r\n2. bras bien plac\u00e9s \u00e0 la vertical\r\n3. pouss\u00e9e des \u00e9paule vers le plafond au d\u00e9part...\r\n\r\nEt encore plein d'autres \u00e9tapes.", "longLabel": "Barani group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Barani o", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 32, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Barani <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 33, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani tendu", "shortLabel": "Barani /", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 34, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour ventre", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Ventre", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [203, 6], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 35, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour dos", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [6, 11, 202, 9], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 36, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - Plat dos", "shortLabel": "Ventre - Plat dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 37, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - Dos", "shortLabel": "Ventre - Dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 38, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - Demi-ventre", "shortLabel": "Ventre - \u00bd ventre", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 39, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cattwist", "shortLabel": "Cattwist", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [185, 187, 211, 203, 202], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 40, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Porpus group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Porpus o", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 41, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Porpus carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Porpus <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 42, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Porpus tendu", "shortLabel": "Porpus /", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 43, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Arri\u00e8re group\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re o, dos", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 44, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re <, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 45, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Arri\u00e8re tendu jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re /, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 46, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Pull-over", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [10, 9], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 47, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Pull-over <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [10, 9], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 48, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double cattwist", "shortLabel": "2 Cattwist", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [212], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 49, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Triple cattwist", "shortLabel": "3 cattwist", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 50, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re o", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 51, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 52, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re tendu", "shortLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 53, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto avant group\u00e9 jusqu'au ventre", "shortLabel": "Avant o, ventre", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 54, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Salto avant carp\u00e9 jusqu'au ventre", "shortLabel": "Salto avant <, ventre", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 56, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani carp\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Barani <, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 57, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani tendu jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Barani /, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 58, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani Ball Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BBO o", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 59, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani Ball Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BBO <", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 60, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani Ball Out tendu", "shortLabel": "BBO /", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 61, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Cody <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 62, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody tendu", "shortLabel": "Cody /", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 63, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over group\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Pull-over o, dos", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 64, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over carp\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Pull-over <, dos", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 65, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani in full out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BIFO o", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 15, "ageGirl": 16, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 66, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani in full out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BIFO <", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 67, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani in full out tendu", "shortLabel": "BIFO /", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 16, "rank": 16, "ageBoy": 17, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 68, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour assis", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [28, 5], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 69, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour debout (de l'assis)", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Debout", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [14, 28], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 70, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour debout (de ventre)", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Debout", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [182, 70], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 71, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour debout (du dos)", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Debout", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [28, 16], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 72, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "1 \u00be Avant group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "1 \u00be o", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 12, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 73, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "1 \u00be Avant carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "1 \u00be <", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 12, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 74, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy tendu", "shortLabel": "Rudy", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 75, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Rudy o", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 76, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Rudy <", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 77, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Avant vrille", "shortLabel": "\u00be Avant vrille", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 78, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full avant jusqu'au ventre", "shortLabel": "Barani + 1/2, ventre", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 79, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog BIFO group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog BIFO o", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 80, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog BIFO carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog BIFO <", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 81, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog BIFO tendu", "shortLabel": "Prog BIFO /", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 15, "ageGirl": 15, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 82, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - vrille, assis", "shortLabel": "Roller", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [179, 178, 201, 210], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 83, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille, dos", "shortLabel": "Vrille, dos", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 84, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille, ventre", "shortLabel": "Vrille, ventre", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 85, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille, assis", "shortLabel": "Vrille, assis", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [179, 199, 178, 201], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 86, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy out fliffis pike", "shortLabel": "Rudy out <", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 15, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 87, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog FIRO group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog FIRO o", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 88, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog FIRO carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog FIRO <", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 89, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog FIRO tendu", "shortLabel": "Prog FIRO /", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 90, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - vrille et demi, dos", "shortLabel": "Corkscrew", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 91, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double salto arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "2 Back o", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": 12, "ageGirl": 12, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 92, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double salto arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "2 Back <", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 93, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double salto arri\u00e8re tendu", "shortLabel": "2 Back /", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 15, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 94, "fields": {"information": "10 chandelles chronom\u00e9tr\u00e9es.", "longLabel": "10 chandelles", "shortLabel": "10 Chandelles", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 0, "rank": 0, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [171], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 95, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full", "shortLabel": "Full", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [228, 226, 227], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 96, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out Triffis pike", "shortLabel": "Triffis <", "difficulty": "2.0", "level": 20, "rank": 20, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 97, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out Triffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Triffis o", "difficulty": "1.7", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 98, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "2 \u00be avant group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "2 \u00be avant o", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 99, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "2 \u00be avant carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "2 \u00be avant <", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 100, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - \u00bd Assis", "shortLabel": "Assis - \u00bd, Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [14, 28, 5, 68, 180], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 101, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - ventre", "shortLabel": "Assis - ventre", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 102, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - \u00bd tour, dos", "shortLabel": "Assis - \u00bd, dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [199, 100], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 104, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - ventre", "shortLabel": "Dos - ventre", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 105, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - \u00bd, dos", "shortLabel": "Dos - \u00bd, dos", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 106, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double full", "shortLabel": "2 full", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 107, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Triple full", "shortLabel": "3 full", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 16, "rank": 16, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 108, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Randy", "shortLabel": "Randy", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 15, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 109, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ady", "shortLabel": "Ady", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 15, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 110, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy out fliffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Rudy out o", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 111, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in half out tuck", "shortLabel": "HIHO o", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 112, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in half out pike", "shortLabel": "HIHO <", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 15, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 113, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out fliffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Out o", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": 12, "ageGirl": 12, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 114, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out fliffis pike", "shortLabel": "Out <", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 115, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in rudy out tuck", "shortLabel": "FIRO o", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 116, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in rudy out pike", "shortLabel": "FIRO <", "difficulty": "1.7", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 117, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Randy out fliffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Randy out o", "difficulty": "1.5", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 118, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Randy out fliffis pike", "shortLabel": "Randy out <", "difficulty": "1.7", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": 17, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 119, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in rudy out straight", "shortLabel": "FIRO /", "difficulty": "1.7", "level": 18, "rank": 18, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 120, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in half out straight", "shortLabel": "HIHO /", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 16, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 121, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in rudy out tuck", "shortLabel": "HIRO o", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 122, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in rudy out pike", "shortLabel": "HIRO <", "difficulty": "1.6", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 123, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre passer t\u00eate arriv\u00e9e dos", "shortLabel": "Ventre passer t\u00eate, dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 125, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "Pull-over, ventre", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 126, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over - \u00bd dos", "shortLabel": "Pull-over - \u00bd dos", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 127, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Back in full out tuck", "shortLabel": "Back in full o", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 128, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Back in full out pike", "shortLabel": "Back in full <", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 129, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Back in full out straight", "shortLabel": "Back in full /", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 130, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in full out tuck", "shortLabel": "FIFO o", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 16, "rank": 16, "ageBoy": 15, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 131, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in full out straight", "shortLabel": "FIFO /", "difficulty": "1.6", "level": 18, "rank": 18, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 132, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in full out pike", "shortLabel": "FIFO <", "difficulty": "1.6", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": 15, "ageGirl": 17, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 133, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in 2 full out tuck", "shortLabel": "Miller o", "difficulty": "1.6", "level": 18, "rank": 18, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 134, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in randy out pike", "shortLabel": "Half in randy out <", "difficulty": "1.6", "level": 16, "rank": 16, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 135, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half In Randy Out tuck", "shortLabel": "Half In Randy Out o", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 17, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 136, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in 2 full out pike", "shortLabel": "Miller <", "difficulty": "1.8", "level": 19, "rank": 19, "ageBoy": 16, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 137, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full in 2 full out straight", "shortLabel": "Miller /", "difficulty": "1.8", "level": 20, "rank": 20, "ageBoy": 17, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 138, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in fliffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Barani in back o", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": 12, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 139, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in fliffis pike", "shortLabel": "Barani in back <", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 140, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in half out triffis tuck", "shortLabel": "Half in triffis o", "difficulty": "1.8", "level": 18, "rank": 18, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 141, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in half out triffis pike", "shortLabel": "Half in triffis <", "difficulty": "2.1", "level": 21, "rank": 21, "ageBoy": 18, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 142, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - vrille, dos", "shortLabel": "Ventre - vrille, dos", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 143, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille et demi, ventre", "shortLabel": "Vrille et \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 145, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - vrille, ventre", "shortLabel": "Dos - vrille, ventre", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 146, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - vrille et demi, assis", "shortLabel": "Assis - vrille et \u00bd, assis", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 8, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 148, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - vrille et demi, ventre", "shortLabel": "Ventre - vrille et \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 149, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "2 Vrilles, assis", "shortLabel": "2 Vrilles, assis", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 150, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille et demi, dos", "shortLabel": "Vrille et \u00bd, dos", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 151, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - vrille, ventre", "shortLabel": "Assis - vrille, ventre", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 152, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - barani", "shortLabel": "Ventre - barani", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 153, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Avant group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "\u00be Avant o", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 154, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Avant carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "\u00be Avant <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 155, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Avant tendu", "shortLabel": "\u00be Avant /", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 8, "ageGirl": 9, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 156, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - vrille et demi, dos", "shortLabel": "Assis - vrille et \u00bd, dos", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [151], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 157, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - salto avant jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Assis - salto avant, dos", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [180, 205], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 158, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody jusqu'au ventre", "shortLabel": "Cody, ventre", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 159, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Barani group\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "shortLabel": "Barani o, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 160, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody demi carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Cody L", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 12, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 161, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy ball out", "shortLabel": "RBO", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 162, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody full", "shortLabel": "Cody full", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 11, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 163, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Randy Ball Out", "shortLabel": "Randy Ball Out", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 16, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 164, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Rudy Ball Out tendu", "shortLabel": "Porpus full /", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 12, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 165, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Double cody tuck", "shortLabel": "2 cody o", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": 13, "ageGirl": 18, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 166, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Ventre - out o", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": 12, "ageGirl": 13, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 167, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out ball out tuck", "shortLabel": "HOBO o", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": 14, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 168, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half out ball out pike", "shortLabel": "HOBO <", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": 14, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 169, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ball Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BO o", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": 9, "ageGirl": 10, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 170, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ball Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "BO <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": 10, "ageGirl": 11, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 171, "fields": {"information": "Test de commentaire.\r\n\r\n#### test de titre.\r\ntout plein d'explication du feu de dieu.", "longLabel": "Test NomLong", "shortLabel": "Test NomCourt", "difficulty": "3.5", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [94, 68, 69], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 172, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Kaboom", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 173, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Kaboom <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 174, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re tendu", "shortLabel": "Kaboom /", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 175, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom avant group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Kaboom avant", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 176, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom avant carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Kaboom avant <", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 177, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom avant tendu", "shortLabel": "Kaboom avant /", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 178, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - \u00bd tour, 4 pattes", "shortLabel": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184, 183, 5], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 179, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - \u00bd tour, Assis", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184, 183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 180, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - 4 pattes", "shortLabel": "Assis - 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [5], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 181, "fields": {"information": "##### Explication sur le 4pattes - ventre\r\n\r\n - a quoi il sert\r\n - comment\r\n - pourquoi\r\n - \u2026\r\n\r\nle tout par description de l'entraineur dans la base de donn\u00e9es.", "longLabel": "4 pattes - ventre", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - ventre", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 182, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Debout (du 4 pattes)", "shortLabel": "Debout", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 183, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond quadrup\u00e9dique", "shortLabel": "Rebond 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 0, "rank": 0, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 184, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond assis", "shortLabel": "Rebond assis", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 0, "rank": 0, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 185, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond dos", "shortLabel": "Rebond dos", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 0, "rank": 0, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 186, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond ventre", "shortLabel": "Rebond ventre", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 187, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - \u00bd tour, dos", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - \u00bd, dos", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185, 183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 188, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over group\u00e9 arriver assis", "shortLabel": "Pull-over, assis", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 189, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - poirier", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - ATR", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [183, 197, 6, 9], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 190, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - poirier", "shortLabel": "Dos - ATR", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [47], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 191, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - demi tour, poirier", "shortLabel": "Dos - \u00bd, ATR", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 192, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Appui tendu renvers\u00e9 - Curviligne ferm\u00e9", "shortLabel": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [197, 189], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 193, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re arriver assis", "shortLabel": "Kaboom, assis", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 194, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "Kaboom, ventre", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 195, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Kaboom, dos", "difficulty": "0.5", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 196, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Kaboom arri\u00e8re arriver poirier", "shortLabel": "Kaboom, ATR", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 7, "rank": 7, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 197, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond curviligne ferm\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Rebond curviligne ferm\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [186], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 198, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rebond curviligne ouvert", "shortLabel": "Rebond curviligne ouvert", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 199, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - plat dos", "shortLabel": "Assis - plat dos", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 200, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Chute faciale - ventre", "shortLabel": "Chute faciale - ventre", "difficulty": "0.0", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 201, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - \u00bd tour, ventre", "shortLabel": "Assis - \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [181, 199, 178, 203], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 202, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - demi tour, plat dos", "shortLabel": "Ventre - \u00bd, plat dos", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185, 187, 186], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 203, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Plat dos - demi tour, ventre", "shortLabel": "Plat dos - \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 204, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Assis - vrille, plat dos", "shortLabel": "Assis - vrille, plat dos", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [187, 199, 178, 201, 202, 82], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 205, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - \u00bd salto, dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [189], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 206, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [205], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 207, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "4 pattes - salto", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - salto", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [206], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 208, "fields": {"information": "Niveau 3 car on veut \u00eatre sur que si le 4 pattes se passe mal, l'\u00e9l\u00e8ve puisse tomber en ventre (qui lui se trouve au niveau 2)", "longLabel": "4 pattes - Assis", "shortLabel": "4 pattes - Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [182, 5, 10], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 209, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - Assis", "shortLabel": "Ventre - Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [182, 208], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 210, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ventre - 1/2 tour, Assis", "shortLabel": "Ventre - 1/2, Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 2, "rank": 2, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [179], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 211, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Plat dos - 1/2 tour, 4 pattes", "shortLabel": "Plat dos - 1/2, 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [185, 183], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 212, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - vrille et demi, ventre", "shortLabel": "Dos - vrille et \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [203, 39], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 213, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis)", "shortLabel": "Vrille et \u00bd debout (de l'assis)", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [214], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 214, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille debout (de l'assis)", "shortLabel": "Vrille debout", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 3, "rank": 3, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [69, 29], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 215, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille debout (du dos)", "shortLabel": "Vrille debout (du dos)", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 5, "rank": 5, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [71], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 216, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille et demi debout (du dos)", "shortLabel": "Vrille et \u00bd debout (du dos)", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [215], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 217, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - 4 pattes", "shortLabel": "Dos - 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": 7, "ageGirl": 7, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 218, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - Assis", "shortLabel": "Dos - Assis", "difficulty": "0.1", "level": 1, "rank": 1, "ageBoy": 6, "ageGirl": 6, "educative": [184, 185], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 219, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Pull-over arriver 4 pattes", "shortLabel": "Pull-over, 4 pattes", "difficulty": "0.2", "level": 6, "rank": 6, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [190], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 220, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Rudy Ball Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Porpus full o", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 221, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Rudy Ball Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Porpus full <", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 222, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody group\u00e9 arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Cody o, dos", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 223, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Cody carp\u00e9 arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Cody <, dos", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 224, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ball Out group\u00e9 arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "BO o, ventre", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 8, "rank": 8, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 225, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Ball Out carp\u00e9 arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "BO <, ventre", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 226, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re plus demi", "shortLabel": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re + \u00bd", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 227, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Arri\u00e8re tendu plus demi tour", "shortLabel": "Arri\u00e8re / + \u00bd", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 228, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Demi-tour piqu\u00e9", "shortLabel": "\u00bd Piqu\u00e9", "difficulty": "0.4", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 229, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Half in o", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 230, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Half in <", "difficulty": "0.6", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 231, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in group\u00e9 arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "Half in o, ventre", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 232, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Half in carp\u00e9 arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "Half in <, ventre", "difficulty": "0.8", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 233, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Half In Half Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog HIHO o", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 11, "rank": 11, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 234, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Half In Half Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog HIHO <", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 12, "rank": 12, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 235, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Half in Rudy out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog HIHO o", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 236, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Half in Rudy out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog HIRO <", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 237, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Full arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Full, dos", "difficulty": "0.9", "level": 13, "rank": 13, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [95]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 238, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Rudy arri\u00e8re arriver ventre", "shortLabel": "Full + \u00bd, ventre", "difficulty": "1.0", "level": 14, "rank": 14, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [237]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 239, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In Full Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog FIFO o", "difficulty": "1.1", "level": 15, "rank": 15, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [238]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 240, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In Full Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog FIFO <", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 16, "rank": 16, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [239]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 241, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In Full Out carp\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog FIFO /", "difficulty": "1.2", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 242, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In 2 Full Out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Prog Miller o", "difficulty": "1.3", "level": 17, "rank": 17, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [240]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 243, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In 2 Full Out pike", "shortLabel": "Prog Miller <", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 18, "rank": 18, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": [242]}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 244, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Prog Full In 2 Full Out straight", "shortLabel": "Prog Miller /", "difficulty": "1.4", "level": 19, "rank": 19, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 245, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Vrille et demi", "shortLabel": "Vrille et demi", "difficulty": "0.3", "level": 4, "rank": 4, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 246, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate, dos o", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 9, "rank": 9, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 247, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate arriver dos", "shortLabel": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate <", "difficulty": "0.7", "level": 10, "rank": 10, "ageBoy": null, "ageGirl": null, "educative": [], "prerequisite": []}}, {"model": "objective.educative", "pk": 248, "fields": {"information": "", "longLabel": "Jonah ball out group\u00e9", "shortLabel": "Jonah ball out o", 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""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 135, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:33:42.187Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "35", "object_repr": "Demi dos Demi-tour dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 136, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:35:40.342Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes Tomber quadrup\u00e9dique", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 137, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:35:43.083Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Assis Tomber assis", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 138, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:35:53.498Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Group\u00e9 Saut group\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 139, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:35:56.677Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Ecart Saut \u00e9cart", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 140, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:36:00.140Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Carp\u00e9 Saut carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 141, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:36:03.368Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "Demi tour Demi vrille", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 142, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:47:59.131Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "36", "object_repr": "Ventre - Plat dos Ventre - Plat dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 143, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:48:42.075Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "37", "object_repr": "Ventre - Dos Ventre - Dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 144, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:50:08.167Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "38", "object_repr": "Ventre - \u00bd ventre Ventre - Demi-ventre", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 145, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:54:13.657Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "39", "object_repr": "Cattwist Cattwist", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 146, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:54:58.244Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "25", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re o Salto arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 147, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:55:59.599Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "40", "object_repr": "porpus o Porpus group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 148, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:56:33.090Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "41", "object_repr": "Porpus < Porpus carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 149, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:57:02.804Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "42", "object_repr": "Porpus / Porpus tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 150, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T08:58:09.303Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "43", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re o, dos Arri\u00e8re group\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 151, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T09:12:19.965Z", "user": 3, 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"content_type": 20, "object_id": "48", "object_repr": "2 Cattwist Double cattwist", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 156, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T09:29:44.639Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "49", "object_repr": "3 cattwist Triple cattwist", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 157, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T12:34:44.172Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "50", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re o \u00be Arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 158, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T12:35:15.129Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "51", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re < \u00be Arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 159, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T12:35:45.297Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, 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"user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "55", "object_repr": "Barani o, dos Barani group\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 164, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:32:41.462Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "56", "object_repr": "Barani <, dos Barani carp\u00e9 jusqu'au dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 165, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:33:15.089Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "57", "object_repr": "Barani /, dos Barani tendu jusqu'au dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 166, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:34:01.210Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "58", "object_repr": "BBO / Barani Ball Out group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 167, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:34:36.386Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "59", "object_repr": "BBO < Barani Ball Out carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 168, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:35:04.743Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "60", "object_repr": "BBO / Barani Ball Out tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 169, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:35:33.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "61", "object_repr": "Cody < Cody carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 170, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:36:05.351Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "62", "object_repr": "Cody / Cody tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 171, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:37:06.059Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "63", 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"pk": 188, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:54:02.480Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "78", "object_repr": "5/4 Avant vrille 5/4 Avant vrille", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 189, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:54:37.853Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "79", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO o Prog BIFO group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 190, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:55:12.465Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "80", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO carp\u00e9 Prog BIFO carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 191, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-19T13:55:45.023Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "81", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO / Prog BIFO tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 192, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-20T13:01:52.406Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller Assis vrille assis", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 193, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-20T13:04:27.111Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "83", "object_repr": "Vrille, dos Vrille, dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 194, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-20T13:04:46.398Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "84", "object_repr": "Vrille, ventre Vrille, ventre", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 195, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-20T13:11:08.809Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille assis Vrille assis", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 196, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-20T18:17:23.983Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "86", "object_repr": "Rudy out < Rudy out carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 197, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:13:05.650Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "87", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO group\u00e9 Prog FIRO group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 198, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:13:36.684Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "88", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO o Prog FIRO carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 199, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:14:09.747Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "89", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO / Prog FIRO tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 200, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:14:38.685Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "87", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO o Prog FIRO group\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 201, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:14:54.134Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "88", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO < Prog FIRO carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 202, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:15:01.362Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "81", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO / Prog BIFO tendu", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 203, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:15:08.723Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "79", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO o Prog BIFO group\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 204, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T07:15:15.901Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "80", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO < Prog BIFO carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 205, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T09:14:11.553Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "77", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant vrille \u00be Avant vrille", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, shortLabel et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 206, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T09:15:12.233Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "78", "object_repr": "Barani + 1/2, ventre Full avant jusqu'au ventre", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 207, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T09:17:43.810Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "90", "object_repr": "Corkscrew Dos vrille et demi, dos", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 208, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T12:51:55.892Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "91", "object_repr": "2 Back o Double salto arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 209, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T12:52:25.486Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "92", "object_repr": "2 Back < Double salto arri\u00e8re group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 210, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T12:52:57.357Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "93", "object_repr": "2 Back / Double salto arri\u00e8re tendu", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 211, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-21T12:53:18.855Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "92", "object_repr": "2 Back < Double salto arri\u00e8re carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 230, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T09:57:50.150Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia - Chandelle", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 231, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:10:12.213Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 14:00:00 \u00e0 16:00:00 (LVT - 2)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 232, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:11:10.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Samedi - 10:30:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 233, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:11:31.818Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Samedi - 09:00:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 hend."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 234, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:12:32.488Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 4, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Nell", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 235, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:13:01.095Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 4, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 first_name, last_name et email."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 236, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:13:09.591Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 4, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Pauline", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 237, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:13:45.713Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 4, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Pauline", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 first_name, last_name et email."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 238, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:14:00.298Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Samedi - 10:30:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 239, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:18:47.585Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire (Pr\u00e9paratoire)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 courses."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 240, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:19:17.491Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Van Holder, Noa", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 241, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:23:14.675Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ronsmans, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 242, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:24:23.502Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Baelongandi, Eliana", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 fedid et gsmm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 243, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:25:40.093Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate, phone, fedid et gsmm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 244, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:26:20.063Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 fedid et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 245, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:26:50.159Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Clo\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 246, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:28:20.275Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 247, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:28:58.813Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Van Holder, Noah", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 firstname et birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 248, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:29:11.397Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Salhi, Safwane", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 249, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:29:42.088Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ronsmans, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 250, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T10:30:29.118Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Baelongandi, Eliana", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 251, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T11:26:02.493Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire (Pr\u00e9paratoire)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 252, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T11:26:35.127Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Division 1&2 (Division 1 & 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 253, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T12:04:40.453Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 21, "object_id": "94", "object_repr": "True", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 254, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T14:23:05.767Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 14:00:00 \u00e0 16:00:00 (LVT - 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 255, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T14:23:17.516Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 256, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-08-25T14:35:16.295Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Iris Day (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 257, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-02T19:59:40.704Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 15, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire (PRE)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 season."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 258, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-25T12:38:34.727Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "95", "object_repr": "Full (4. 2 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 259, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-25T12:41:32.623Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Clo\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 active."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 260, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-25T12:50:28.251Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Salhi, Safwane", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 261, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-25T14:03:16.328Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 262, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-25T14:05:32.959Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 niss."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 263, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-27T15:25:54.710Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 264, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-28T08:02:17.886Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 265, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-28T08:04:08.844Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "CanDo \u00ab\u00a0Wauthy, Nell - Chandelle\u00a0\u00bb ajout\u00e9. CanDo \u00ab\u00a0Wauthy, Nell - \u00bd Ventre\u00a0\u00bb ajout\u00e9. CanDo \u00ab\u00a0Wauthy, Nell - Cody <\u00a0\u00bb ajout\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 266, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-28T08:54:36.248Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 picture."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 267, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-09-30T12:19:09.806Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Division 1&2 (Division 1 & 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 268, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:21:35.533Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 269, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:22:02.563Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire (Pr\u00e9paratoire)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 270, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:41:18.440Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - Chandelle", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 271, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:41:41.705Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - Assis", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 272, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:42:10.813Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - \u00bd Debout", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 273, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:42:27.151Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - 4 pattes", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 274, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:42:51.795Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - Group\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 275, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:43:03.999Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - Ecart", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 276, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T15:43:24.182Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 31, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Litt Magis, Louis - Carp\u00e9", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 277, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:16:12.040Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "D3&4_LuVe (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 278, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:16:50.422Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "D3&4_LuSa (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 279, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:17:27.939Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "D3&4_VeSa (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 280, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:17:51.283Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "D3&4 (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 281, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:19:45.270Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Meurice, Vivien", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 282, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:20:37.720Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "De clerck, C\u00e9lia", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 283, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:22:08.376Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "D3&4_LuVe (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 284, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:22:27.606Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "D3&4_LuSa (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 285, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:23:42.653Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 286, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:23:50.602Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Lundi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 287, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:23:55.859Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 288, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:24:16.024Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 16:00:00 \u00e0 18:00:00 (LVT - 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 289, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:24:48.605Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Samedi - 09:00:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 290, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T17:24:58.105Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Samedi - 10:30:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 291, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T18:22:54.581Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Samedi - 09:00:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 292, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T18:23:02.020Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 293, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T18:23:24.187Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 294, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T18:23:29.414Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Lundi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 295, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-05T21:28:53.230Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Lundi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 296, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-06T10:01:48.066Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 297, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-06T10:01:53.883Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun 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"admin.logentry", "pk": 306, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:28:42.995Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Andr\u00e9, Julien", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 307, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:29:12.958Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Azabar, Rayan", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 308, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:29:33.601Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "20", "object_repr": "De Coninck, Lara", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 309, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:29:53.001Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Dalli Cardillo, Nicolas", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 310, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:30:34.197Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Di liberto, Alessio", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 311, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:31:14.765Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Scokart, Romain", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 312, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:31:52.406Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "24", "object_repr": "Van Overbeke, Loumadia", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 313, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:31:59.809Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Andr\u00e9, Julien", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 314, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:32:06.226Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Azabar, Rayan", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 315, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:33:16.720Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Loisir_Ve (Loisir)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 316, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:33:45.275Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Loisir_Sa (Loisir)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 317, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:35:08.063Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "25", "object_repr": "Mommens, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 318, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:35:34.498Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "26", "object_repr": "Debontridder, Manon", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 319, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-09T15:36:01.842Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Loisir_Sa (Loisir)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 320, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:04:29.252Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Andr\u00e9, Julien", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 321, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:04:52.632Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Azabar, Rayan", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 322, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:05:07.446Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Dalli Cardillo, Nicolas", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 323, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:05:23.734Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "20", "object_repr": "De Coninck, Lara", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 324, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:05:35.537Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "26", "object_repr": "Debontridder, Manon", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 325, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:05:52.002Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Di liberto, Alessio", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 326, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:07:06.878Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Meert, Guillaume", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 327, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:07:49.770Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "25", "object_repr": "Mommens, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 328, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:08:33.592Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Savigni, Dani", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 329, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:08:51.094Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Scokart, Romain", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 330, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-12T21:09:49.524Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "16", "object_repr": "Savigni, Laora", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 331, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T11:47:29.518Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Salhi, Safwane", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, email, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 332, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T11:59:49.248Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ronsmans, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, gsmm, gsmp et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 333, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:15:27.481Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Meert, Guillaume", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 334, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:15:50.116Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Meurice, Vivien", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 335, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:16:25.384Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Louis", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 lastname."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 336, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:17:29.797Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Jeann", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 337, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:18:12.954Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "De Clerck, C\u00e9lia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 338, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T12:18:33.381Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Savigni, Dani", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 339, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T15:07:55.405Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Scokart, Romain", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 340, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T15:08:48.698Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Dalli Cardillo, Nicolas", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm et gsmm."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 341, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-15T15:09:41.762Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Clo\u00e9", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsm, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 342, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-17T07:17:12.650Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Azabar, Rayan", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 343, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T10:01:11.645Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "73", "object_repr": "1 \u00be < (.7 -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 344, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T10:02:00.873Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "73", "object_repr": "1 \u00be < (.7 -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 345, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T12:24:03.442Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "73", "object_repr": "1 \u00be < (.7 -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 346, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T12:27:32.974Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "31", "object_repr": "Barani o (.4 1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 347, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T12:29:28.259Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "31", "object_repr": "Barani o (.4 1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 348, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T12:33:51.792Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "31", "object_repr": "Barani o (.4 1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 349, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:16:01.969Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "96", "object_repr": "Triffis < (.12 --1 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 350, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:17:10.759Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "97", "object_repr": "Triffis o (.12 --1 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 351, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:23:01.581Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Complexe du Blocry (\u00e0 Louvain-la-Neuve)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 352, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:23:10.603Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Complexe du Blocry (\u00e0 Louvain-la-Neuve)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 353, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:24:19.941Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Hall de sport (\u00e0 Zichem)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 354, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-20T13:28:10.634Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Centre sportif La For\u00eat de Soignes (\u00e0 Auderghem)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 355, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-21T19:26:12.731Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Jeanne", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 firstname."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 356, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-26T09:21:24.270Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 357, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-26T15:03:06.041Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "40", "object_repr": "Porpus o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 358, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-26T21:34:45.342Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "98", "object_repr": "2 \u00be avant o (.11 --- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 359, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-26T21:35:20.499Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "99", "object_repr": "2 \u00be avant < (.11 --- <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 360, 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"pk": 443, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:45:42.164Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "132", "object_repr": "FIFO < (8. 22 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 444, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:46:54.112Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "122", "object_repr": "HIRO < (8. 13 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 445, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:47:58.253Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "133", "object_repr": "Miller o (8. 33 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 446, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:50:47.588Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "134", "object_repr": "Half in randy out < (8. 13 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 447, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:51:05.636Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "120", "object_repr": "HIHO / (8. 11 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 448, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:52:30.715Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "135", "object_repr": "Half in randy out o (8. 13 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 449, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:53:37.451Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "136", "object_repr": "Miller < (8. 33 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 450, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:53:47.407Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "133", "object_repr": "Full in 2 full out tuck (8. 33 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 451, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:54:10.341Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "133", "object_repr": "Miller o (8. 33 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 452, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:54:30.528Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "115", "object_repr": "FIRO o (.8 23 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 453, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:55:26.562Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "137", "object_repr": "Miller / (8. 33 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 454, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:57:11.153Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "113", "object_repr": "Out o (.8 -1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 455, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:57:23.309Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "114", "object_repr": "Out < (.8 -1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 456, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:57:57.234Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "120", "object_repr": "HIHO / (8. 11 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 457, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:58:04.972Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "112", "object_repr": "HIHO < (8. 11 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 458, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T09:58:13.619Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "111", "object_repr": "HIHO o (8. 11 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 459, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:00:06.600Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "138", "object_repr": 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"change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 464, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:03:13.274Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "116", "object_repr": "FIRO < (.8 23 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 465, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:03:20.678Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "115", "object_repr": "FIRO o (.8 23 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 466, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:03:39.676Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "110", "object_repr": "Rudy out o (.8 -3 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 467, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:03:50.875Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "86", "object_repr": "Rudy out < (.8 -3 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 468, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:04:25.218Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "139", "object_repr": "Barani in back < (.8 1- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 469, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:05:15.883Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "117", "object_repr": "Randy out o (.8 -5 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 470, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:05:34.433Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "118", "object_repr": "Randy out < (.8 -5 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 471, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:07:49.916Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "65", "object_repr": "BIFO o (.8 12 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 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"admin.logentry", "pk": 476, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:10:35.756Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "119", "object_repr": "FIRO / (.8 23 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 477, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:15:56.510Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "96", "object_repr": "Triffis < (.12 --1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 478, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:16:00.512Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "97", "object_repr": "Triffis o (.12 --1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 479, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:17:03.076Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "140", "object_repr": "Half in half out triffis tuck (12. 1-1 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 480, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:17:35.830Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "141", "object_repr": "Half in triffis < (12. 1-1 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 481, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:17:46.993Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "140", "object_repr": "Half in half out triffis tuck (12. 1-1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 482, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:22:01.744Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "142", "object_repr": "Ventre vrille dos (2. 2)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 483, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:22:50.066Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "143", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi ventre (1. 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 484, "fields": {"action_time": 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"content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 493, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:45:49.701Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "147", "object_repr": "Dos vrille et demi dos (.2 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 494, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:48:02.163Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "148", "object_repr": "ventre vrille et demi, ventre (2. 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 495, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:50:32.699Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "149", "object_repr": "deux vrilles, assis (A 4)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 496, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:51:31.126Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "150", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi, dos (1. 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 497, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:52:38.996Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "151", "object_repr": "Assis vrille, ventre (.1 2)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 498, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:52:53.109Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 499, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:53:00.392Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "146", "object_repr": "Assis vrille et demi, assis (.- 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 500, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:53:13.333Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "149", "object_repr": "2 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"object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Debout (D)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 505, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:54:58.598Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 506, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:55:37.424Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "53", "object_repr": "Avant o, ventre (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 507, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:56:27.960Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 508, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T10:56:36.275Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 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"2015-10-28T11:53:12.639Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "163", "object_repr": "Randy Ball Out (.5 5 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 557, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T11:54:20.497Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "164", "object_repr": "Prog. 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"fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:10:09.084Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "99", "object_repr": "2 \u00be avant < (.11 --- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 563, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:10:15.266Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "98", "object_repr": "2 \u00be avant o (.11 --- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 564, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:10:51.959Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "109", "object_repr": "Ady (.4 7 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 565, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:12:00.193Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "59", "object_repr": "BBO < (.5 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", 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"Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 578, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:20:53.256Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 579, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:20:57.976Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "71", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 580, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:21:52.797Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 < (.3 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 581, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:22:00.508Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "20", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 o (.3 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 582, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:22:41.763Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 (.3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 583, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:22:59.880Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 (.3 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 584, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:23:03.722Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 < (.3 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 585, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:24:20.811Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "90", "object_repr": "Corkscrew (.2 3 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"2015-10-28T12:32:30.619Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "24", "object_repr": "Avant / (.4 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 602, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:32:50.748Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "89", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO / (.7 22 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 603, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:32:54.236Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "87", "object_repr": "Prog FIRO o (.7 22 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 604, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-28T12:33:31.698Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "120", "object_repr": "HIHO / (8. 11 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 605, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T14:41:48.283Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "TEST (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin, dateend, information et gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 606, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T15:06:10.897Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Golden River Cup (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 name."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 607, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T15:10:06.185Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Stade Leburton (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 nbkm et timing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 608, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T15:53:47.282Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Golden River Cup (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 609, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T15:54:03.312Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Golden River Cup (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 610, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T20:07:08.314Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Iris Day (\u00e0 Zichem)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 place."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 611, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T21:38:10.289Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Centre sportif La For\u00eat de Soignes (\u00e0 Auderghem)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 timing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 612, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T21:38:52.948Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Hall de sport (\u00e0 Zichem)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 timing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 613, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-29T22:07:10.881Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 8, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia (2015-06-27)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 614, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T09:58:26.307Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Jeanne", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 615, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T09:58:28.624Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, L\u00e9on", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 616, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T09:58:31.453Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Louis", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 617, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T13:25:14.572Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "D3&4_VeSa (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 618, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T13:25:27.014Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "D3&4_LuSa (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 619, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T13:30:27.026Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "D3&4 (Division 3 & 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 620, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-10-30T13:43:30.911Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "BOT Finale (\u00e0 Zichem)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 621, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:39:36.546Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Andr\u00e9, Julien", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal, city et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 622, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:41:27.625Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Louis", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 623, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:41:29.269Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, L\u00e9on", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 624, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:41:30.647Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Litt-Magis, Jeanne", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 625, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:43:45.558Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 626, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:45:33.766Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ronsmans, No\u00e9mie", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 627, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:46:17.819Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Salhi, Safwane", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal et city."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 628, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:46:48.634Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Salhi, Safwane", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 629, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:51:45.314Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Van Holder, Noah", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal, city et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 630, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:53:44.854Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 email."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 631, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:56:35.279Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Pesesse, Lucas", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal, city, gsmm et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 632, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T14:58:10.005Z", "user": 3, 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{"action_time": "2015-11-03T15:01:27.734Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Van Holder, Noah", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 637, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T15:02:50.271Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Carlini, Gabriel", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 address, postal, city, gsmm et orientation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 638, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T18:02:43.604Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "du 2015-11-02 au 2015-11-07", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 639, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T19:09:55.432Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "169", "object_repr": "BO o (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 640, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T19:10:39.308Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "170", "object_repr": "BO < (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 641, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T19:11:03.669Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "169", "object_repr": "BO o (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 642, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-03T19:11:12.159Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "170", "object_repr": "BO < (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 643, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-05T08:36:03.542Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Pesesse, Lucas", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 picture."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 644, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-05T08:40:05.691Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Baelongandi, Eliana", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 picture."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 645, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-05T08:41:02.110Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Carlini, Gabriel", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 picture."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 646, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-06T16:16:14.805Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 32, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia - Ventre passer t\u00eate", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 647, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-06T16:28:59.850Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 32, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Granda Martinez, Noelia - Assis vrille, ventre", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 648, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T14:57:23.659Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "D'Oliveira, Maxime", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 649, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T14:57:31.227Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "D'Oliveira, Maxime", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 650, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T14:59:50.383Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "D'Oliveira, Maxime", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 birthdate, gsm, email, gsmm et gsmp."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 651, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T15:27:14.459Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "du 2015-11-11 au 2015-11-11", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 652, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T16:12:12.323Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Stage Toussaint (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 653, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-08T16:55:15.581Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Stage Toussaint (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 gymnasts."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 654, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-17T10:01:04.318Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 7, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Meert, Guillaume", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 email."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 655, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:18:37.677Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Lundi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 656, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:18:45.292Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 657, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:19:02.672Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 16:00:00 \u00e0 18:00:00 (LVT - 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 658, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:19:08.680Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 659, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:19:16.465Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00 (LVT - 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 660, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:19:28.087Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Samedi - 09:00:00 \u00e0 12:30:00 (LVT - 5)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 661, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:44:55.919Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "du 2015-12-21 au 2016-01-03", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 662, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:45:48.813Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "du 2015-08-18 au 2015-08-18", "action_flag": 3, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 663, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:47:13.191Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "du 2016-02-08 au 2016-02-14", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 664, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:48:01.580Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "du 2016-03-28 au 2016-04-10", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 665, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:59:01.516Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "du 2015-12-19 au 2015-12-19", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 666, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T09:59:45.031Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "du 2016-03-12 au 2016-03-13", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 667, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T10:00:21.959Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "du 2016-06-25 au 2016-06-25", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 668, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T10:11:30.736Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Lundi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 669, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T10:11:37.714Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 670, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T10:11:45.008Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 671, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-18T10:11:50.100Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 672, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-19T09:21:04.945Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "du 2016-05-28 au 2016-05-28", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 673, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T16:16:41.030Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 21, "object_id": "171", "object_repr": "True", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 674, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:07:13.100Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 30, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell le 2015-11-20 : 10 Chandelles (10 Chandelles) pour 17.58", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 675, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:14:24.974Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 30, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Wauthy, Nell le 2015-11-02 : 10 Chandelles (10 Chandelles) pour 17.23", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 676, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:27:06.862Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "172", "object_repr": "Kaboom (3. - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 677, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:27:34.822Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "173", "object_repr": "Kaboom < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 678, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:28:14.988Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "174", "object_repr": "Kaboom / (3. - /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 679, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:28:44.491Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "175", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 680, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:29:21.526Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "176", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 681, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:29:52.920Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "177", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant tendu (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 682, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-20T17:30:09.476Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "177", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 683, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T08:09:28.448Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 27, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "du 2016-05-16 au 2016-05-16", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 684, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:17:07.683Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "69", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (D 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 685, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:21:35.980Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "68", "object_repr": "\u00bd Assis (1 A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 686, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:21:47.215Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Debout (D)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 687, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:22:03.870Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "101", "object_repr": "Assis ventre (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 688, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:22:16.118Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 689, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:23:02.036Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "71", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 690, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:23:07.254Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 691, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:23:41.886Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "125", "object_repr": "Pull-over, ventre (2. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 692, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:24:21.041Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Carp\u00e9 (<)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 693, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:24:29.699Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, 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"object_repr": "4 pattes \u00bd Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 698, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:27:53.481Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes \u00bd Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 699, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:28:53.615Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "180", "object_repr": "Assis - 4 pattes (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 700, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:29:00.629Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "180", "object_repr": "Assis - 4 pattes (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 701, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:30:44.056Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "124", "object_repr": "Ventre \u00bd Ventre (2. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 702, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:30:50.855Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "175", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 703, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:30:54.719Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "176", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 704, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:00.701Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "172", "object_repr": "Kaboom (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 705, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:05.167Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "173", "object_repr": "Kaboom < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 706, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:29.245Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "151", "object_repr": "Assis vrille, ventre (.1 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 707, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:34.022Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "146", "object_repr": "Assis vrille et demi, assis (.- 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 708, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:38.861Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "157", "object_repr": "Assis - salto avant, dos (.3 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 709, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:31:51.998Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "102", "object_repr": "Assis \u00bd Dos (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 710, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:32:06.444Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "126", "object_repr": "Pull-over \u00bd dos (2. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 711, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:33:13.230Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 712, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:33:51.880Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "104", "object_repr": "Dos ventre (.2 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 713, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:34:02.425Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "154", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 714, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:34:06.529Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "153", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant o (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 715, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:35:17.328Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "182", "object_repr": "Debout (1. -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 716, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:35:25.866Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 717, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:35:42.021Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 718, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:36:47.879Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "182", "object_repr": "Debout (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 719, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:36:54.097Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 720, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:37:00.022Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 721, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:37:12.450Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis \u00bd 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 722, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:37:17.577Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "180", "object_repr": "Assis - 4 pattes (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 723, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:37:22.091Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes \u00bd Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 724, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:37:51.628Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 725, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:38:51.113Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 726, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:39:38.743Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "184", "object_repr": "Rebond assis (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 727, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:42:29.753Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, shortLabel et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 728, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:42:55.336Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, shortLabel et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 729, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:43:58.406Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 730, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:44:01.744Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "156", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et demi, dos (.1 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 731, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:45:55.322Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "148", "object_repr": "Ventre - vrille et demi, ventre (2. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 732, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:46:11.902Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "69", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (D 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 733, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:46:45.609Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "160", "object_repr": "Cody L 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"action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 738, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:48:31.047Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "102", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Dos (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 739, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:49:01.541Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 740, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T14:52:54.654Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 741, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:02:05.987Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 742, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:04:50.809Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 743, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:06:07.627Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Chandelle (|)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 744, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:07:45.708Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 745, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:07:58.737Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 746, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:08:23.199Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 747, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:08:33.977Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 748, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-23T15:09:05.563Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 749, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:02:07.687Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 750, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:02:28.942Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 751, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:02:42.398Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 752, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:11:31.849Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 753, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:11:52.096Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 754, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:18:20.651Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 755, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T08:19:41.645Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "183", "object_repr": "Rebond 4 pattes (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 756, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T12:37:07.171Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "185", "object_repr": "Rebond dos (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 757, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T12:37:33.686Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "185", "object_repr": "Rebond dos (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 758, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T12:38:10.268Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "186", "object_repr": "Rebond ventre (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 759, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:50:58.613Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "187", "object_repr": "4 pattes - dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 760, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:52:16.701Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "187", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 761, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:53:52.948Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "151", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille, ventre (.1 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 762, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:53:59.446Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "146", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et demi, assis (.- 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 763, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:54:04.967Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "101", "object_repr": "Assis - ventre (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 764, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T13:54:49.177Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "105", "object_repr": "Dos - \u00bd, dos (.2 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 765, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:14:22.250Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "49", "object_repr": "3 cattwist (- 6)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 departure et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 766, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:14:34.214Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "142", "object_repr": "Ventre - vrille, dos (2. 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, shortLabel, departure et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 767, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:14:47.952Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "145", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille, ventre (.2 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 768, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:16:20.434Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "123", "object_repr": "Ventre passer t\u00eate, dos (.2 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, shortLabel, departure et landing."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 769, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:21:18.900Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Assis (A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 770, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:21:36.193Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "187", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 771, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:21:46.946Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Debout (D)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 772, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:21:59.627Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Assis (A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 773, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:22:05.810Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 774, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:22:15.274Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 775, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:22:49.880Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "\u00bd tour (-1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 776, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:23:11.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Ecart (//)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 777, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T14:23:26.251Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Group\u00e9 (o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 778, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T15:09:10.156Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "29", "object_repr": "Vrille (-2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 779, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T15:09:28.723Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Carp\u00e9 (<)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 780, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T15:11:27.722Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "48", "object_repr": "2 Cattwist (- 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 781, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T15:19:03.714Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "164", "object_repr": "Prog Rudy Ball Out (.4 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 782, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T22:21:05.801Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 783, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T22:21:49.488Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 784, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T22:22:18.160Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 785, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-24T22:22:46.691Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 786, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-25T14:39:07.129Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 787, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-25T14:41:30.213Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 788, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-25T14:43:19.345Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 789, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-25T14:43:47.569Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 790, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-25T14:44:36.420Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 791, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T09:07:19.888Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 792, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:17:20.238Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 793, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:17:58.611Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "18", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 794, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:18:05.386Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 795, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:45:15.340Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "19", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 796, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:45:24.299Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 797, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-26T20:45:30.106Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "20", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 o (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 798, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T13:46:44.845Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire GymFed 1 (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 799, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T13:54:02.650Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9paratoire GymFed 3 (\u00e0 Tubize)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 800, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:07:20.895Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "188", "object_repr": "Pull-over, assis (3. - 0)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 801, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:07:41.290Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "125", "object_repr": "Pull-ove, ventre (2. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 802, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:09:56.509Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 803, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:10:41.550Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "190", "object_repr": "Dos - ATR (1. - 0)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 804, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:11:33.052Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "191", "object_repr": "Dos - demie tour, poirier (1. 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 805, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:12:39.109Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "192", "object_repr": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9 (.1 -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 806, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:14:45.663Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 807, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:15:00.983Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "172", "object_repr": "Kaboom (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 808, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:15:30.625Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 809, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:16:14.449Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "194", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ventre (2. - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 810, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:17:14.550Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "195", "object_repr": "Kaboom, dos (4. - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 811, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:19:16.234Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "196", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ATR (1. - /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 812, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:19:48.138Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "194", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ventre (2. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 departure."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 813, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:19:52.722Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "196", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ATR (1. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 departure."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 814, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:19:55.489Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "195", "object_repr": "Kaboom, dos (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 departure."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 815, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:19:57.955Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 departure."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 816, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:24:13.866Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "191", "object_repr": "Dos - \u00bd, ATR (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 817, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:29:34.657Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 818, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:30:05.146Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 819, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:32:24.146Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "197", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ferm\u00e9 (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 820, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:32:46.046Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "198", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ouvert (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 821, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:32:51.170Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "198", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ouvert (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 822, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:35:15.017Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "192", "object_repr": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9 (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 823, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:35:41.245Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 824, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:37:28.010Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "190", "object_repr": "Dos - ATR (1. - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 825, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:38:00.526Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "185", "object_repr": "Rebond dos (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 826, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:38:41.674Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Assis (A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 827, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:38:47.367Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "198", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ouvert (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 828, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:38:52.335Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "197", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ferm\u00e9 (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 829, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:38:57.644Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Debout (D)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 830, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:39:03.833Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "187", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 831, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:40:15.742Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "186", "object_repr": "Rebond ventre (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 832, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:40:28.271Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "185", "object_repr": "Rebond dos (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 833, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:41:37.498Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "186", "object_repr": "Rebond ventre (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 834, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:42:25.793Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 835, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:12.278Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 836, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:22.505Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 837, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:35.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "182", "object_repr": "Debout (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 838, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:48.303Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "\u00bd tour (-1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 839, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:53.587Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "196", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ATR (1. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 840, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:44:58.298Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "194", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ventre (2. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 841, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:45:06.243Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "191", "object_repr": "Dos - \u00bd, ATR (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 842, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:47:05.468Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 843, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:48:19.346Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "199", "object_repr": "Assis - plat dos (1. -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 844, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:50:48.109Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "\u00bd tour (-1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 845, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:50:51.643Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 846, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:50:55.494Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 847, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:52:05.214Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "100", "object_repr": "Assis \u00bd Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 848, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:52:45.338Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Plat dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 849, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T14:52:50.959Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 850, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:02:32.522Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "100", "object_repr": "Assis \u00bd Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 851, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:02:47.408Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 852, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:02:58.489Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "102", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Dos (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 853, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:04:37.421Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Plat dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 854, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:05:22.755Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 19, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Chute faciale", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 855, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:06:01.100Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "200", "object_repr": "Chute faciale - ventre (-)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 856, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:06:14.962Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "200", "object_repr": "Chute faciale - ventre (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 857, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:06:52.613Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 858, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:06:56.427Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Plat dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 859, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:07:00.380Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Group\u00e9 (o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 860, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:07:03.302Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Ecart (//)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 861, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:07:06.374Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "69", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (D 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 862, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:07:09.549Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "68", "object_repr": "\u00bd Assis (1 A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 863, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:10:47.451Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 864, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:18:36.406Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "100", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 865, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:19:53.589Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "201", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, ventre (1. 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 866, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:20:36.394Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "201", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, ventre (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 867, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:22:25.452Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "202", "object_repr": "Ventre - \u00bd, dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 868, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:24:04.806Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "203", "object_repr": "Plat dos - \u00bd, ventre (- 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 869, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:26:57.469Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "149", "object_repr": "2 Vrilles, assis (A 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 870, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:27:54.721Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "155", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 871, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:28:06.760Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "152", "object_repr": "Ventre - barani (.3 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 872, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:28:38.327Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "188", "object_repr": "Pull-over, assis (3. - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 873, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:28:48.399Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "105", "object_repr": "Dos - \u00bd, dos (.2 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 874, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:29:59.953Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 875, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:31:23.041Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 876, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:31:52.525Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 877, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:32:08.173Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "34", "object_repr": "\u00bd Ventre (1. 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 878, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:32:55.130Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "29", "object_repr": "Vrille (-2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 879, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:36:04.570Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Debout (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 880, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:36:15.194Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "145", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille, ventre (.2 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 881, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:36:30.425Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "48", "object_repr": "2 Cattwist (- 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 882, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:36:37.445Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "174", "object_repr": "Kaboom / (3. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 883, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:36:47.896Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "177", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 884, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:37:13.632Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Plat dos < (1. <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 885, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:37:18.639Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Plat dos o (1. o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 886, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:37:27.119Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "142", "object_repr": "Ventre - vrille, dos (2. 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 887, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:37:33.903Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "143", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi, ventre (1. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 888, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:38:49.143Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Plat dos < (1. <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 889, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:40:04.875Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "83", "object_repr": "Vrille, dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 890, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:40:14.083Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "83", "object_repr": "Vrille, dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 891, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:40:19.058Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "150", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi, dos (1. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 892, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:40:46.892Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "84", "object_repr": "Vrille, ventre (.1 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 893, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:41:58.793Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "204", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille, plat dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 894, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:43:27.093Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "204", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille, plat dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 895, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:44:09.068Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "156", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et demi, dos (.1 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 896, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:47:23.234Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 897, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:48:16.723Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 898, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:49:03.554Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "206", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 899, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:49:30.441Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "207", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 900, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:49:44.296Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 901, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:50:25.646Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "206", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 902, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:50:38.383Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "207", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 903, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-27T15:51:16.078Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 904, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T14:59:29.439Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "202", "object_repr": "Ventre - \u00bd, plat dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 905, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T14:59:44.245Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Debout (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 906, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:01:11.708Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 907, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:02:10.014Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "29", "object_repr": "Vrille (-2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 908, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:02:14.417Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "202", "object_repr": "Ventre - \u00bd, plat dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 909, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:02:17.584Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "203", "object_repr": "Plat dos - \u00bd, ventre (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 910, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:02:21.760Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Debout (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 911, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:02:25.993Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "201", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, ventre (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 912, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:03:12.760Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 913, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:03:18.251Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 914, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:03:21.614Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "204", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille, plat dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 915, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:04:07.731Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "192", "object_repr": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9 (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 916, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:04:11.102Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 917, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:04:38.184Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "47", "object_repr": "Pull-over < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 918, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:04:42.342Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "46", "object_repr": "Pull-over (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 919, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:06:07.911Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 920, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:06:21.810Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 921, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:06:43.170Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "37", "object_repr": "Ventre - Dos (2. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 922, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:07:35.999Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "209", "object_repr": "Ventre - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 923, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:07:43.897Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "209", "object_repr": "Ventre - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 924, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:08:28.389Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "157", "object_repr": "Assis - salto avant, dos (.3 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 925, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:08:56.187Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "157", "object_repr": "Assis - salto avant, dos (.3 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 926, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:12:11.148Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "143", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi, ventre (1. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 927, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:12:15.619Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "148", "object_repr": "Ventre - vrille et demi, ventre (2. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 928, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:12:35.172Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Avant < (.4 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 929, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:12:39.269Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "25", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re o (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 930, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:13:07.951Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "158", "object_repr": "Cody, ventre (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 931, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:13:41.753Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "50", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re o (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 932, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:13:45.217Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "51", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 933, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:14:04.640Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "195", "object_repr": "Kaboom, dos (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 934, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:14:08.728Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 935, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-28T15:14:47.039Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "145", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille, ventre (.2 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 936, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:13:04.638Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "181", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ventre (.0 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 937, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:13:56.220Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "179", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 938, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:14:15.406Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "187", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd, dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 939, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:14:41.207Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "199", "object_repr": "Assis - plat dos (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 940, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:15:00.761Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "178", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 941, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:16:04.765Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Debout (D)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 942, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:16:14.543Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "182", "object_repr": "Debout (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 943, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:16:34.618Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "28", "object_repr": "\u00bd tour (-1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 944, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:26:42.273Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "197", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ferm\u00e9 (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 945, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:26:58.578Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "198", "object_repr": "Rebond curviligne ouvert (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 946, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:27:45.206Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "186", "object_repr": "Rebond ventre (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 947, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:28:21.831Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Assis (A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 948, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:28:55.142Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "4 pattes (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 949, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:39:51.588Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "201", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, ventre (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 950, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:40:28.125Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "200", "object_repr": "Chute faciale - ventre (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 951, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:42:19.858Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Debout (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 952, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:44:18.156Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "68", "object_repr": "\u00bd Assis (1 A)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 953, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:44:43.821Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "69", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (D 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 954, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:45:30.465Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "203", "object_repr": "Plat dos - \u00bd, ventre (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 955, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:45:58.753Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Ecart (//)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 956, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:46:08.007Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Group\u00e9 (o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 957, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:47:12.381Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Plat dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 958, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:48:17.526Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 959, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:50:42.113Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "202", "object_repr": "Ventre - \u00bd, plat dos (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 960, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:50:57.225Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Ventre (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 961, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T13:51:14.348Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "29", "object_repr": "Vrille (-2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 962, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:07:56.064Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 963, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:09:01.792Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 964, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:12:31.686Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 965, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:13:40.914Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "209", "object_repr": "Ventre - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 966, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:15:32.539Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 967, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:16:38.069Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 968, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:20:19.200Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "210", "object_repr": "Ventre - 1/2, Assis (- 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 969, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:20:51.492Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 970, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:22:25.288Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "204", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille, plat dos (1. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 971, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:22:57.822Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "34", "object_repr": "\u00bd Ventre (1. 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 972, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:23:17.477Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Carp\u00e9 (<)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 973, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:24:09.528Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Dos (1. /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 974, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:25:48.319Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "8", "object_repr": "Plat dos < (1. <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 975, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:26:20.367Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Plat dos o (1. o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 976, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:26:30.048Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "209", "object_repr": "Ventre - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 977, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:31:45.059Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 978, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:35:19.562Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "100", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 979, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:38:50.933Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "39", "object_repr": "Cattwist (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 980, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:41:29.485Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "211", "object_repr": "Plat dos - 1/2, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 981, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:42:08.714Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "39", "object_repr": "Cattwist (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 982, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:43:20.084Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 983, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:45:09.779Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "35", "object_repr": "\u00bd Dos (.1 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 984, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:46:07.575Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 985, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:48:08.853Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "192", "object_repr": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9 (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 986, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:49:32.953Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "47", "object_repr": "Pull-over < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 987, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:49:58.732Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "46", "object_repr": "Pull-over (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 988, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:50:10.161Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 989, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:53:17.913Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "149", "object_repr": "2 Vrilles, assis (A 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 990, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:53:55.158Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "206", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 991, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T14:54:49.125Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "157", "object_repr": "Assis - salto avant, dos (.3 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 992, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:01:08.004Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "190", "object_repr": "Dos - ATR (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 993, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:05:48.830Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "207", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 994, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:06:02.089Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "207", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 995, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:06:12.851Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "43", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re o, dos (5. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 996, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:06:24.545Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "61", "object_repr": "Cody < (5. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 997, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:06:31.050Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "169", "object_repr": "BO o (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 998, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:06:36.305Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "170", "object_repr": "BO < (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 999, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:08:07.211Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "49", "object_repr": "3 cattwist (- 6)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1000, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:08:12.185Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "24", "object_repr": "Avant / (.4 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1001, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:08:15.903Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "26", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re < (4. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1002, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:08:21.072Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "54", "object_repr": "Salto avant <, ventre (.5 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1003, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:08:25.158Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "53", "object_repr": "Avant o, ventre (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1004, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:18:09.709Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "212", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille et demi, ventre (- 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1005, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:21:34.930Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "48", "object_repr": "2 Cattwist (- 4)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1006, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:25:32.324Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "16", "object_repr": "Debout (.1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1007, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:25:51.071Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "71", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1008, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:39:13.606Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis) (- 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1009, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:40:31.135Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "214", "object_repr": "Vrille debout (D 2)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1010, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:41:06.061Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis) (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1011, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:41:33.021Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "214", "object_repr": "Vrille debout (D 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1012, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:41:38.078Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis) (-)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 twist, difficulty, level, notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1013, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:43:41.215Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "215", "object_repr": "Vrille debout (du dos) (.1 2)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1014, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:45:29.899Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "216", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (du dos) (.1 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1015, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:49:00.319Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "214", "object_repr": "Vrille debout (D 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1016, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:50:47.946Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "210", "object_repr": "Ventre - 1/2, Assis (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1017, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:50:52.718Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "208", "object_repr": "4 pattes - Assis (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1018, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:51:12.671Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "211", "object_repr": "Plat dos - 1/2, 4 pattes (- 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1019, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:51:55.516Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "180", "object_repr": "Assis - 4 pattes (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1020, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:51:59.540Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "189", "object_repr": "4 pattes - ATR (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1021, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:52:19.938Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "214", "object_repr": "Vrille debout (D 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1022, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:52:35.998Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "82", "object_repr": "Roller (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1023, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:53:12.401Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis) (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 twist, difficulty, level, notation, simplyNotation, ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1024, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:55:49.775Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Dos ferm\u00e9 (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1025, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T17:56:19.955Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Dos ferm\u00e9 (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1026, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:12:30.965Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - demi salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1027, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:12:41.337Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "192", "object_repr": "ATR - Curviligne ferm\u00e9 (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1028, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:12:48.528Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "100", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Assis (A 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1029, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:12:56.639Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "39", "object_repr": "Cattwist (- 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1030, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:13:04.908Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1031, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:13:57.756Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "71", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1032, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:14:04.590Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "35", "object_repr": "\u00bd Dos (.1 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1033, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:14:19.786Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "17", "object_repr": "Petit piqu\u00e9 (.3 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1034, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:15:04.228Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "47", "object_repr": "Pull-over < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1035, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:15:30.902Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Dos ferm\u00e9 (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1036, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:15:37.713Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "85", "object_repr": "Vrille, assis (A 2)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1037, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:18:06.985Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "206", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1038, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:18:20.491Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "157", "object_repr": "Assis - salto avant, dos (.3 - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1039, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:22:56.157Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "156", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et demi, dos (.1 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level et educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1040, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:26:34.772Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "102", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, Dos (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1041, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:27:52.041Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "190", "object_repr": "Dos - ATR (1. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1042, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:28:44.670Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "212", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille et demi, ventre (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1043, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:32:30.082Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "217", "object_repr": "Dos - 4 pattes (.2 - /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1044, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T18:36:40.828Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "218", "object_repr": "Dos - Assis (.1 -)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1045, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T20:40:33.167Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "105", "object_repr": "Dos - \u00bd, dos (.2 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1046, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T20:54:52.001Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Ventre ouvert (1.)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1047, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:00:55.624Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "70", "object_repr": "\u00bd Debout (1. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1048, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:01:58.522Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "77", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant vrille (.3 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1049, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:02:05.627Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "52", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re (3. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1050, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:02:16.224Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "41", "object_repr": "Porpus < (.4 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1051, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:02:46.244Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "177", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1052, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:02:52.874Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "21", "object_repr": "Piqu\u00e9 < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1053, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:03:39.837Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "212", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille et demi, ventre (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1054, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:05:02.354Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "90", "object_repr": "Corkscrew (.2 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1055, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:07:43.696Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "63", "object_repr": "Pull-over o, dos (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1056, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:07:47.816Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "64", "object_repr": "Pull-over <, dos (4. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1057, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:10:39.702Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "219", "object_repr": "Pull-over, 4 pattes (2. - o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1058, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:10:51.872Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "219", "object_repr": "Pull-over, 4 pattes (2. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1059, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:11:07.258Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "47", "object_repr": "Pull-over < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1060, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:11:33.002Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "125", "object_repr": "Pull-ove, ventre (2. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1061, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:11:52.913Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "188", "object_repr": "Pull-over, assis (3. - 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1062, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:12:21.954Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "126", "object_repr": "Pull-over \u00bd dos (2. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1063, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:13:10.513Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "188", "object_repr": "Pull-over, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel, position, level, notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1064, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:14:00.161Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "188", "object_repr": "Pull-over, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1065, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:14:23.416Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "63", "object_repr": "Pull-over o, dos (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1066, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:16:35.876Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "45", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re /, dos (5. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1067, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:16:39.721Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "44", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re <, dos (5. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1068, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:16:57.785Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "33", "object_repr": "Barani / (.4 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1069, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:17:05.898Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "159", "object_repr": "Barani o, dos (.5 1- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1070, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:17:11.321Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "56", "object_repr": "Barani <, dos (.5 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1071, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:17:17.255Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "32", "object_repr": "Barani < (.4 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1072, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:17:23.640Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "58", "object_repr": "BBO o (.5 1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1073, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:17:31.328Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "59", "object_repr": "BBO < (.5 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1074, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:18:07.462Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "155", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1075, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:18:12.302Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "51", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1076, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:18:17.437Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "152", "object_repr": "Ventre - barani (.3 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1077, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:19:18.020Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "158", "object_repr": "Cody, ventre (4. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1078, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:19:23.819Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "160", "object_repr": "Cody L (5. - L)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1079, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:19:57.271Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "125", "object_repr": "Pull-over, ventre (2. -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1080, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:21:01.556Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Avant < (.4 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment et level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1081, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:21:08.344Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re / (4. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment et level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1082, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:22:59.320Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "172", "object_repr": "Kaboom (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1083, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:23:07.880Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "173", "object_repr": "Kaboom < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1084, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:23:23.028Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "193", "object_repr": "Kaboom, assis (3. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1085, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:23:37.577Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "194", "object_repr": "Kaboom, ventre (2. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1086, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:23:47.950Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "176", "object_repr": "Kaboom avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1087, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:25:22.316Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "124", "object_repr": "Ventre \u00bd Ventre (2. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1088, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:26:03.053Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "124", "object_repr": "Ventre \u00bd Ventre (2. 1)", "action_flag": 3, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1089, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:27:04.387Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "104", "object_repr": "Dos - ventre (.2 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1090, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:27:55.002Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "217", "object_repr": "Dos - 4 pattes (.2 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1091, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:28:15.828Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "102", "object_repr": "Assis - \u00bd, dos (.1 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1092, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:29:36.241Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "101", "object_repr": "Assis - ventre (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1093, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:29:48.529Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "101", "object_repr": "Assis - ventre (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": 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"admin.logentry", "pk": 1098, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:34:07.415Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "164", "object_repr": "Prog Rudy Ball Out (.4 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1099, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:34:14.269Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "75", "object_repr": "Rudy o (.4 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1100, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:34:27.593Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "52", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re (3. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1101, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:34:34.477Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "154", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1102, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:34:43.037Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "77", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant vrille (.3 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1103, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:35:10.334Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "62", "object_repr": "Cody / (5. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1104, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:35:19.758Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "30", "object_repr": "Cody o (5. - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1105, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:35:37.607Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "57", "object_repr": "Barani /, dos (.5 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1106, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:35:42.977Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "60", "object_repr": "BBO / (.5 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1107, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:36:04.733Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "54", "object_repr": "Salto avant <, ventre (.5 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1108, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:36:39.378Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "24", "object_repr": "Avant / (.4 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1109, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:37:34.927Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi debout (de l'assis) (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 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{"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:39:43.721Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "33", "object_repr": "Barani / (.4 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1115, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:39:49.383Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "159", "object_repr": "Barani o, dos (.5 1- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1116, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:39:55.089Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "170", "object_repr": "BO < (.5 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1117, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:40:05.485Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "73", "object_repr": "1 \u00be < (.7 -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1118, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:41:31.562Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "79", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO o (.7 2- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1119, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:41:41.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "78", "object_repr": "Barani + 1/2, ventre (.5 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1120, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:41:50.962Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "91", "object_repr": "2 Back o (8. -- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1121, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:41:58.145Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "106", "object_repr": "2 full (4. 4 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1122, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:42:09.579Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "162", "object_repr": "Cody full (5. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1123, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:43:24.896Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "218", "object_repr": "Dos - Assis (.1 -)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1124, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:44:50.458Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "217", "object_repr": "Dos - 4 pattes (.2 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1125, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-29T21:45:31.293Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "206", "object_repr": "4 pattes - salto o, plat dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 ageBoy et ageGirl."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 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{"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1130, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:07:02.217Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "23", "object_repr": "Avant < (.4 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment et level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1131, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:07:37.501Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "31", "object_repr": "Barani o (.4 1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment et level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1132, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:08:33.202Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "32", "object_repr": "Barani < (.4 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1133, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:08:58.569Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "33", "object_repr": "Barani / (.4 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1134, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:09:43.128Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "57", "object_repr": "Barani /, dos (.5 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1135, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:11:08.204Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "159", "object_repr": "Barani o, dos (.5 1- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1136, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:11:16.750Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "56", "object_repr": "Barani <, dos (.5 1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1137, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:14:58.791Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "41", "object_repr": "Porpus < (.4 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", 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{"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:19:35.727Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "221", "object_repr": "Prog Rudy Ball Out < (.4 2 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1147, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:19:56.275Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "161", "object_repr": "RBO (.5 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1148, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:20:01.635Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "164", "object_repr": "Prog Rudy Ball Out / (.4 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1149, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:20:12.953Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "167", "object_repr": "HOBO o (.9 -1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1150, "fields": {"action_time": 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"2015-11-30T09:26:56.835Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "91", "object_repr": "2 Back o (8. -- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1155, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:27:09.418Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "92", "object_repr": "2 Back < (8. -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1156, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:27:16.618Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "93", "object_repr": "2 Back / (8. -- /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1157, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:27:26.128Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "51", "object_repr": "\u00be Arri\u00e8re < (3. - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1158, "fields": {"action_time": 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"2015-11-30T09:28:56.804Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "222", "object_repr": "Cody o, dos (6. -- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1163, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:29:34.479Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "223", "object_repr": "Cody <, dos (6. -- <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1164, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:29:47.667Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "62", "object_repr": "Cody / (5. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1165, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:30:00.986Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "165", "object_repr": "2 cody o (9. -- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1166, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:30:11.474Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "160", "object_repr": "Cody L (5. - L)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1167, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:30:15.074Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "62", "object_repr": "Cody / (5. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1168, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:30:33.843Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "162", "object_repr": "Cody full (5. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1169, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:31:09.167Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "91", "object_repr": "2 Back o (8. -- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1170, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:31:16.895Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "92", "object_repr": "2 Back < (8. -- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1171, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:31:22.746Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "93", "object_repr": "2 Back / (8. -- /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1172, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:39:45.958Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "224", "object_repr": "BO o, ventre (.6 -- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1173, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:39:56.071Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "224", "object_repr": "BO o, ventre (.6 -- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1174, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:40:34.059Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "225", "object_repr": "BO <, ventre (.6 -- <)", "action_flag": 1, 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level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1179, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:55:34.171Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "154", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant < (.3 - <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1180, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T09:55:43.074Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "78", "object_repr": "Barani + 1/2, ventre (.5 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1181, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:01:22.455Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "78", "object_repr": "Barani + 1/2, ventre (.5 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1182, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:03:56.336Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "77", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant vrille (.3 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1183, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:04:15.448Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "77", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant vrille (.3 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1184, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:04:31.175Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "74", "object_repr": "Rudy (.4 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1185, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:04:44.840Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "76", "object_repr": "Rudy < (.4 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1186, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:04:49.199Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "75", "object_repr": "Rudy o (.4 3 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1187, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:10:31.628Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "108", "object_repr": "Randy (.4 5 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1188, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:10:35.354Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "163", "object_repr": "Randy Ball Out (.5 5 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1189, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:11:34.683Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "95", "object_repr": "Full (4. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1190, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:11:46.055Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "106", "object_repr": "2 full (4. 4 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1191, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:11:53.393Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "107", "object_repr": "3 full (4. 6 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1192, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:12:07.304Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "127", "object_repr": "Back in full o (8. -2 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1193, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:12:15.336Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "128", "object_repr": "Back in full < (8. -2 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1194, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:12:35.401Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "130", "object_repr": "FIFO o (8. 22 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1195, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:24:45.973Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "212", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille et demi, ventre (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1196, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:24:59.563Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "49", "object_repr": "3 cattwist (- 6)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1197, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:36:21.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "155", "object_repr": "\u00be Avant / (.3 - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1198, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:38:00.826Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "45", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re /, dos (5. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1199, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:39:58.679Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "226", "object_repr": "3/4 Arri\u00e8re plus demi (3. 1 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1200, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:40:44.461Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "227", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re / + 1/2 (4. 1 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1201, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:42:36.903Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "126", "object_repr": "Pull-over - \u00bd dos (2. 1)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1202, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:05.368Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "205", "object_repr": "4 pattes - \u00bd salto, dos (.2 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1203, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:11.639Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "216", "object_repr": "Vrille et \u00bd debout (du dos) (.1 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1204, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:14.789Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "156", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et \u00bd, dos (.1 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1205, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:17.796Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "146", "object_repr": "Assis - vrille et \u00bd, assis (.- 0)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1206, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:21.357Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "213", "object_repr": "Vrille et \u00bd debout (de l'assis) (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1207, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:24.110Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "212", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille et \u00bd, ventre (- 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1208, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:46.372Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "227", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re / + \u00bd (4. 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1209, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:52.794Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "226", "object_repr": "3/4 Arri\u00e8re + \u00bd (3. 1 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1210, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:55.816Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "148", "object_repr": "Ventre - vrille et \u00bd, ventre (2. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1211, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:43:58.817Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "143", "object_repr": "Vrille et \u00bd, ventre (1. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1212, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:44:01.387Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "150", "object_repr": "Vrille et \u00bd, dos (1. 3)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1213, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:46:19.620Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "81", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO / (.7 11 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1214, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:46:24.002Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "80", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO < (.7 2- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1215, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:46:27.852Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "79", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO o (.7 2- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1216, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:47:57.993Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "79", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO o (.7 2- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1217, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:48:06.061Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "81", "object_repr": "Prog BIFO / (.7 11 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1218, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:49:54.572Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "139", "object_repr": "Barani in back < (.8 1- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1219, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-11-30T10:49:58.723Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "114", "object_repr": "Out < (.8 -1 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1220, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T11:28:38.351Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9pa. 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Half in o (7. 1- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1240, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:32:41.317Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "234", "object_repr": "Prog. 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Half in o (7. 1- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1246, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:35:19.599Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "234", "object_repr": "Prog. Half in < (7. 1- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1247, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:35:25.659Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "234", "object_repr": "Prog. Half in < (7. 1- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1248, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:35:56.635Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "112", "object_repr": "HIHO < (8. 11 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1249, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:37:12.565Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "235", "object_repr": "Prog. Half in Rudy out o (7. 12 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1250, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:38:14.172Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "236", "object_repr": "Prog. HIRO < (7. 12 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1251, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:38:33.870Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "122", "object_repr": "HIRO < (8. 13 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1252, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:38:49.534Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "135", "object_repr": "Half in randy out o (8. 13 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 level."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1253, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:42:43.228Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "140", "object_repr": "Half in triffis tuck (12. 1-1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1254, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T13:42:49.315Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "140", "object_repr": "Half in triffis o (12. 1-1 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1255, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:36:10.640Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "95", "object_repr": "Full (4. 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 educative."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1256, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:39:32.577Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "27", "object_repr": "Arri\u00e8re / (4. - /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1257, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:48:33.707Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1258, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:48:53.561Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1259, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:50:31.207Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1260, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:50:48.589Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1261, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:52:00.962Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1262, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T14:52:18.089Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1263, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T15:01:27.392Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1264, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T15:03:31.824Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 comment."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1265, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-01T15:20:10.759Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Pr\u00e9pa. 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GymFed 3 (\u00e0 Varsenare)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 place."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1276, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:27:14.758Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ecole Pr\u00e9vert (\u00e0 Lillois)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1277, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:27:25.157Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Chpt BCBW (\u00e0 Lillois)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 place."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1278, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:50:48.466Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Sporthal \"Den Averul\" (\u00e0 Beveren-Leie)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1279, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:51:05.005Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Golden River Cup (\u00e0 Beveren-Leie)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 place."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1280, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:59:39.033Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "6", "object_repr": "Sportcentrum Ternat (\u00e0 Ternat)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modifi\u00e9 name."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1281, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T09:59:44.098Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Ecole Pr\u00e9vert (\u00e0 Lillois)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Aucun champ modifi\u00e9."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1282, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-02T19:29:24.726Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "WIK Oostende (\u00e0 Oostende)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1283, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T12:57:37.742Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1284, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T12:59:14.510Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "22", "object_repr": "Avant o (.4 - o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1285, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:37:59.739Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "237", "object_repr": "Full, dos (5. 2 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1286, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:39:22.693Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "238", "object_repr": "Full + 1/2, ventre (5. 12 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1287, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:41:24.326Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "239", "object_repr": "Prog FIFO o (7. 3- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1288, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:42:03.698Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "239", "object_repr": "Prog Full In Full Out group\u00e9 (7. 3- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1289, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:43:08.724Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "240", "object_repr": "Prog FIFO < (7. 12 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1290, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:43:30.229Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "132", "object_repr": "FIFO < (8. 22 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1291, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:43:42.014Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "131", "object_repr": "FIFO / (8. 22 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1292, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:44:20.653Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "239", "object_repr": "Prog FIFO o (7. 3- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1293, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:45:31.444Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "241", "object_repr": "Prog FIFO / (7. 3- /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1294, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:45:51.067Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "240", "object_repr": "Prog FIFO < (7. 3- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de notation et simplyNotation."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1295, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:47:06.697Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "235", "object_repr": "Prog. 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{"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:53:53.718Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "135", "object_repr": "Half in randy out o (8. 13 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1304, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:54:11.078Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "135", "object_repr": "Half In Randy Out o (8. 13 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de longLabel et shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1305, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:54:51.834Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "238", "object_repr": "Full + \u00bd, ventre (5. 12 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1306, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:57:23.620Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "242", "object_repr": "Prog Miller o (7. 32 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1307, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:57:46.174Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "133", "object_repr": "Miller o (8. 33 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1308, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:57:58.816Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "136", "object_repr": "Miller < (8. 33 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1309, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:58:07.803Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "137", "object_repr": "Miller / (8. 33 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1310, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:59:12.721Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "243", "object_repr": "Prog Miller < (7. 32 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1311, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:59:24.589Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "136", "object_repr": "Miller < (8. 33 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1312, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T21:59:51.306Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "137", "object_repr": "Miller / (8. 33 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1313, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T22:00:31.779Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "244", "object_repr": "Prog Miller / (7. 32 /)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1314, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-03T22:01:59.048Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "242", "object_repr": "Prog Miller o (7. 32 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de prerequisite."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1315, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T14:37:24.083Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Samedi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1316, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T14:38:22.664Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "10", "object_repr": "Samedi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1317, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T14:39:38.505Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "11", "object_repr": "Dimanche - 09:00:00 \u00e0 11:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1318, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T14:40:43.744Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "12", "object_repr": "Dimanche - 11:00:00 \u00e0 13:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1319, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T15:07:55.698Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 14:00:00 \u00e0 16:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1320, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T15:08:31.258Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 14:00:00 \u00e0 16:00:00", "action_flag": 3, "change_message": ""}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1321, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-04T15:11:22.956Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 16, "object_id": "9", "object_repr": "Loisir_Me (Loisir)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1322, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-05T10:46:41.223Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "245", "object_repr": "Vrille et demi (- 3)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1323, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:00:05.368Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "164", "object_repr": "Porpus full / (.4 2 /)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1324, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:00:16.985Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "220", "object_repr": "Porpus full o (.4 2 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1325, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:00:28.916Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "221", "object_repr": "Porpus full < (.4 2 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1326, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:01:30.914Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "246", "object_repr": "dos - vrille passer t\u00eate, dos (.4 2 o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1327, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:02:38.107Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "247", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate (.4 2 <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1328, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:02:48.796Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "247", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate < (.4 2 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1329, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:02:55.388Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "246", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate, dos o (.4 2 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de shortLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1330, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:03:09.474Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "246", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate, dos o (.4 2 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de longLabel."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1331, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:03:41.559Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "246", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate, dos o (.4 2 o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1332, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:03:47.920Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "247", "object_repr": "Dos - vrille passer t\u00eate < (.4 2 <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1333, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:04:54.574Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "248", "object_repr": "Jonah ball out o (.5 1- o)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1334, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:05:49.115Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "249", "object_repr": "Jonah ball out < (.5 1- <)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1335, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:07:31.984Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "248", "object_repr": "Jonah ball out o (.5 1- o)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1336, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-06T20:07:43.786Z", "user": 3, "content_type": 20, "object_id": "249", "object_repr": "Jonah ball out < (.5 1- <)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de level et rank."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1337, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:20:18.640Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Iris Day (\u00e0 Zichem)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1338, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:29:37.932Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 10, "object_id": "13", "object_repr": "Parc du Cinquantenaire (\u00e0 Bruxelles)", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1339, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:30:28.658Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 13, "object_id": "1", "object_repr": "Iris Day (\u00e0 Bruxelles)", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de place."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1340, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:44:27.403Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 1, "change_message": "Ajout."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1341, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:44:49.424Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de datebegin."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1342, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:44:58.112Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de trainers."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1343, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:46:54.381Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "14", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1344, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:47:08.947Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "2", "object_repr": "Lundi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1345, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:47:26.231Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "3", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 16:00:00 \u00e0 18:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1346, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:47:41.555Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "7", "object_repr": "Mercredi - 14:00:00 \u00e0 16:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1347, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:47:53.498Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "4", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 17:00:00 \u00e0 19:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1348, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:48:09.047Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "5", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 2, "change_message": "Modification de trainers et information."}}, {"model": "admin.logentry", "pk": 1349, "fields": {"action_time": "2015-12-07T13:48:54.573Z", "user": 1, "content_type": 14, "object_id": "15", "object_repr": "Vendredi - 19:00:00 \u00e0 21:00:00", "action_flag": 1, 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